Chapter 3

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This was gonna be publish earliy this morning but I have been really tired lately and I couldn't stay awake on the bus to read over it, and publish it.
I don't have much time at school where I can be on my phone, and when I got home I fall asleep again.  Next week I plan on having it out ealirer. I'm still planning on doing the Valentine's day special, I'll start writing it either today or tomorrow.

That's all from me now enjoy this chapter.
Bye y'all :D

I woke up the next moring, confused on where I was. I looked around and then saw the twins. I remembered meeting them yesterday, and that I stayed at their house. I smiled big when it all came back to me. The boys were already awake, they were on the top bunk of their bed.  Ford was the first to see I was awake. "Good moring Y/n. How did you sleep?" Ford asked "I slept good. Better then I have in awhile. What about Y'all?"  "Good." They said at the same time. 

I climbed to the top bunk with them. "So want do y'all want to do today?" I asked. Stan then asked "Aren't you going home today?" "I might, but that doesn't mean we can't hang out some more." I told him "Unless you want me to leave then I guess I will." I said putting on a fake frown, about to climb back down. Ford grabs my arm pulling me into him and Stan. "No don't leave." He said holding onto me. Stan let out a small chuckle, and I started laughing. "I was joking Ford ." I said as I kept laughing. Ford jokingly push me away "Hey!!" We were all laughing now.

We went down stairs to get some breakfast. When Mrs. Pines saw us she stoped me. "Hey Y/n, I was able to call your mom this morning. She asked me to tell you sorry for last night and asked you to come home today. She did say you could stay and hangout with the boys for awhile thou." At first I got sad I didn't want to leave but when she said I was able to hangout more, I jumped and screamed "YES!!" earning me a chuckle from Mrs. Pines  and the twins. We ate our breakfast and went back upstairs. When we got to the room I turned to them and asked "Y'all want to go work on the Stan O' War, today?" "Yeah." "sounds great." They both agreed. Then Ford asked "Hey since Y/n is with us now should we change the name of our boat, where she has a say in it to?"  I shocked my head, "No, y'all found it, y'all should get to name it, besides I like the name as it is." I smiled towards him. "If she's ok with keeping the name, then i am to." Stan said. Ford noodes his head "Alright then, the name stays. I just wanted to put it out there just in case." "Thanks Ford." he nodded his head, walking over to get his clothes. "We should get dressed if we are gonna go out today. Y/n do you have something to were today?"  I thought for a second "Yeah I think so, my shirt is dirty but I'll just wear my hoodie over it, so." Ford looked at me "but that's dirty to, isn't?" He went to the closet, and pulled out a shirt and a hoodie. "Here you can wear one of my shirts and hoodies. It should cover your hands, I think it's big enough." He said as he handed me the clothes. "T-thanks Ford." I said taking them and my other clothes to go change. I heard a few mumbles from them once I left the room, and Ford shouting a little saying, "Shut up Stanley!" Then Stanley laughing. Huh I wonder what that was about.

When I came back the boys were ready and so was I, just needed to grab a few things. After I got them we went down stairs and told their parents where we were going. Mrs. Pines asked about the hoodie, and I told her mine was dirty, and Ford let me wear one of his. She got a big smile on her face saying it was so cute. Me and Ford had a little blush on our faces. She lets us go and we started walking to the beach.

The hoodie Ford let me wear did cover my fingers which I was glad about. We walked onto the beach, I saw that no one was really there. We went to our boat, and started to work on It some more.  After a few minutes  Ford pulled out a camera. "Hey guys, we should take a picture." He set up the camera. "Sure" I said coming around to the front of it. "Alright" Stan said. Stan stood at the top on the right, one foot by the flag pool, Ford on the left below him, but still on the boat, and I was on the right in front of the boat, on the ground, gesturing to the name. Ford set a timer on the camera and we got into place. It took a few tries because we were making each other laugh with different poses, and jokes. We finally got the picture taken, after we claimed down. We started laughing again when we  looked at all the failed attempts. "That was fun." I said trying to catch my breath from laughing. Ford and Stan nodded in agreement.

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