Chapter 4

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I know this chapter is short I'm sorry y'all. I wanted to get out a new chapter.   The next few might be short but I'll try to make them longer, and try to get a set update time or at least once a week if I can.

Y/n pov

I had ran away. I couldn't take Crampeltor's bullying anymore. Yes I had stood up to him before but then he didn't know about my hands. I didn't want to go through that again. As I ran away, I head Crampeltor yelling "I'LL REMEMBER THIS. YOU'LL BE SORRY!"  "What did those boys do?" I ask to my self, but I head running so I figured the boys got away but now they were heading my way I had to get away. I couldn't handle this and I didn't want them to see me like this. 'What if they start making fun of me too' I thought 'wait they wouldn't would they?'

I ran back to the cave were they found the Stan O' war. I ran in and slid down the wall. I put my head in my knees and cried. "Why did he have to see my hands." I said to myself between subs. "I knew I shouldn't have taken off that hoodie." I cried some more as I thought of what would happen at school.  'Would Crampeltor tell the school?' 'Would everyone know before school started?' 'Everyone would hate me.' 'I wouldn't have any friends, but I have Ford and Stan.' 'Would they still be my friends?' 'Ford deals with the same thing.' 'Would he deal with mine to, would they be there for me?' 'Will they leave me?'

All these thoughts and many more went through my head. As I was losing my self in my thoughts I heard someone outside the cave. "Hey Stan i think i hear something." It sounded like Ford. Was he looking for me? I then heard him call out "Y/n are you in there?" It was Ford he sounded worried. Then I heard Stan voice. "Come on sixer let's look inside."

Ford POV

I couldn't find her. I went back to where me and Stanley split up. He had just ran up. "You couldn't find her?" He asked. "No, I didn't see her. Maybe she ran to the beach." Stan nodded his head and we took off. 'I hope she is there.' I thought to myself. I'm worried about her, I can tell Stanley is to.

We got to the beach and went different ways looking around. Then I had a thought, so I called Stanley over.  "What if she is in the cave?" I asked him when he got to me. "Yeah, you might be right. No one gose there except us. She might go there to get away from eveyone." We ran to the cave. I heard a slight noise, it sound like crying. "Hey Stan I think I hear something."  Was it her, I couldn't tell the cries were to low. I called out "Y/n are you in there?" I didn't hear anything. Stan came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Come on sixer let's look inside." I nodded and we walked in, looking for Y/n.


I could hear them walking into the cave and towards me. Then Ford called out "Y/n, it's me and Stanley, are you in here? Please we are worried." You could hear it in his voice, how much he really was worried. "Sixer is  right, we are both really worried about you. Please, come out." Stan said. He sounded just as worried as Ford did. 'They really do care about me, or at least it sounds that way'  When I first heard them going I had his behind a rock, but I stood up and walked out from behind it. "H-here I am.."

Ford and Stan ran to me and hugged me tight.  "We were so worried when you ran away. Are you Ok?" Asked Ford still hugging me tight. "Y-yeah, it was just hard to hear that, again. I was hopping no one would find out, this time."  "Hey, it shouldn't matter what those jerks think of you. You have us and we think your great, right sixer." Stan said, and Ford agreed. "Come on, we are at the beach, let's get those guys out of our head and go work on the Stan O'war." Ford nodded his hand and got up holding out his hand to help me up.  I took it and we went to work on our boat some more.  Maybe, just maybe I really have found some good, true friends this time. We worked on the boat till it was dark. We said good and went to our homes. I sighed and hesitated when I got to my front door, I was afraid to go inside.

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