Chapter 1

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"You were a risk, a mystery, and the most certain thing I'd ever known."
Beau Taplin."A Certainty"

24th  December 2018

Rosalie's POV:

Pressing the number five on the elevator screen i was no doubt bouncing my leg like a freaking clown, but my mind and body didn't seem to coordinate when i was nervous or out of my usual self.

Thank God! There wasn't anyone in the elevator, obviously who would be since I was an hour early at work today. Huh, atleast the security was there. Frank, one of the security and a good friend of mine is always happy and cheerful like a kid when he gets the only thing he loves dearly a rainbow sprinkled donut, yeah and he is a security! I make sure he gets what he wants when i have some special work to do or a favour. Today is one of that day.

I give myself a lookover in the mirror wall of the elevator as i wear a red bodycon dress with a white coat and black heels, my lucky watch and a bracelet and studs completing my look. Very christmassy i know, with a little makeup and my favourite fragrance over me i was all but ready to face Secret Santa.

A ping comes from the elevator as i reach my floor and the doors open.

Okay, it's time. I take a long breathe and step out of the elevator.

Today was the day, when we would be receiving our secret santa gifts and maybe know who they were too, i know that's unlike a secret santa but for me it is, since my secret santa is the one who is sending me clues since third december!..

Yes, weird but yes and i have every intention to find who 'he' is. Yes it is a 'he' not a 'she' i just know it.

He's made this secret santa more of a scavenger hunt for me though but it's fine since i have loved every single thing he has done for me. Although i have had my suspicions due to past encounters about who he is, i am still not sure who it would be. Whoever he is, he has my heart already, and is making it beat louder every second that i am approaching my desk.

Looking around i guess it's just me here, our firm the M&P World Inc. is one of the leading advertising agency in New York and i am proud to be part of the team to make it grow.

All lights are on, the christmas tree we all decorated is standing tall and shiny, the aroma of christmas goodies from pantry are filling this workplace.

I pass the foyer then the reception, a pantry, meeting room, boss's cabin, a party hall, mini gym and come across a large workplace, with lots and lots of cubicles, i look around noticing the decorated cubicles by the respective owners and smile remembering the fun when we decorated ours, i.e., my cubicle which is the last one facing trees and a whole lot of street down from the window.

Being an AVP in marketing department, i knew i had responsibilities, but my team made it easy, always, and here in M & P World Inc. it had always felt like a second home to me, and the work culture which let us i mean the heads of departments sit with their teams and not a seperate cabin was a lot better option.

Reaching my cubicle i moved my eyes over every inch of my desk, and then others..confusion, sadness, anger, and hurt could easily be seen on my face.

Nothing! there was nothing on my desk as i expected, while all of my team members desks were having a gift each. Where the hell was mine? I strolled to all of their desks and saw their names on the gifts, none of them had mine,..Noooo that couldn't be possible right? All those clues, those kind of scavenger hunts were for nothing? I can't even reach that person who was doing this all for me, only if i knew who was he i would have strangled him to death right here for doing this to me.

Memories of past few days flashed through my eyes and i flinched knowing the familiar feeling of my heart exploding inside me. I love him! whoever he is i do love him! and now i won't ever know who it is...or will I? A pang of guilt hit me when i realized i love him but i can't even trust him?

Can't i wait for a while for him to come out of his shell? Yes i can, but he said his gift will be here and so would he. Then why isn't ...


My mind stopped what it  was thinking a second ago. It's him, that voice...could it be him? or was it just an illusion.

I am so scared to turn around. It felt like my lips are stitched. I cleared my mind and decided to see if i was dreaming.

"You're here." i whispered not knowing what else to say, my heart thudding a thousand times louder. I think even he can hear it.

"Yes..I'm here Rosalie."

That voice...i know it so deeply...

I turned to face him and my world stopped...

Love, SANTAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora