Chapter 3

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Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.
Neil Armstrong


I felt a breath on my shoulder and nearly jumped watching Jane behind me peeking to look what it is.


She apologized saying she was just curious.

"Who gave this?" I asked her.

"Just someone from the courier service." she said shrugging.

"Okay. I will see it later. Thanks by the way."

"No problem. I hope you like it." She added smiling.

"I'll see." I shrugged and went to the bathroom. I knew no one will spare me privacy on my desk.

I entered the bathroom and looked around. Thank god there was no one here.

I looked at the envelope and turned it around. Opening it carefully i saw a Keychain with a red background and neatly engraved letter 'T' in it with beautiful snow like glitter around it.. It was really beautiful.

I tried to remember someone with the name T here at work but couldn't think of anyone that close to me. I kept the keychain aside and saw a letter in it.

There was a neatly typed font in it, it read:

Dear Rosalie,

Santa's white beard shows us he's pretty old,
Now, go look where we keep the food cold.

Love, Santa.



Is this a joke?

What if it's a joke?

Rose, you will never know unless you find it. I mentally facepalmed myself.

I read the note again. It's states where we keep the food cold. So pantry, refrigerator. Well atleast that was easy.

I took the items and went in search for whatever it was in pantry. I stepped inside and saw some colleagues lingering around coffee machine. I said my hi's and went towards the refrigerator.

Opening it the first thing i saw was a red velvet brownie from my favourite place Martha's downstreet, and on top was another envelope which I opened and my eyes literally popped out of it's sockets. It stated a reservation for six people for tonight at La Grande...for FREE.

My eyes popped again at the name La Grand, my favourite place of all the restaurants I have been to, where I always went with my parents to celebrate my birthday every year, only this year I couldn't. 

My mom was staying with my sister Charlotte at London. A pang of sadness washed over me remembering how my father always made the reservation and planned my birthday. I wish he could be here this year too. My birthday just passed few days back in November before thanksgiving and I shut myself up in my apartment refusing to go anywhere. I loved him, I loved him more than anything. The brutal memories of my dad's car crash washing over me, mom in a shocked state where Charlotte had literally been our mom and took over her and shifted her with her family, her husband and two kids in London. A lonely tear fell over my hand making me aware of my surrounding. I blinked, took out the brownie and closed the door.

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