Chapter 2

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I miss that feeling of connection.
Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.” 
by Ranata Suzuki

3rd December
One..two..three..four...yes four.. I had four cups of coffee since morning thinking about my gift for the Secret Santa and it's not even noon yet. As much as i loved the concept and appreciated my boss being considering our request for Secret Santa this year, i am so confused what to gift my colleague Alisha who's name popped up in my chit which i picked from the bowl. Why did i think gifting a girl was easy since we have lot of options? I had no idea.

I sighed, knowing that I don't know a single thing about her. She works in Accounts and is almost an intovert, only if I knew her interests.

I sighed again. I looked around, it's going to be hard for everyone, why am i so stressing again.

I sighed. Again.

"Stop it Rose..this is the thousandth time you are sighing since morning!" Violet scolded narrowing her eyes at me.

"Only if I could tell you whose name I have got." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. Whatever. Is it a Male or a Female?" she enquired.


She gave me a look and rolled her eyes, "Boring. It's obviously not me since you won't be sighing like a bored puppy here."

I sighed again, "Yeah like a cute bored puppy." I blinked several times giving my cute smile.

"That look is weird on you. Stop it."

We both laughed and resumed our work.

I looked at Violet, Luke, Eddie, Alex and Chris my team members, whom I adore. They all are almost my same age, luke a few years younger than us handles online marketing along with Alex a song lover who had his headphones on almost all the time but is awesome when it comes to promoting products on social media.

Eddie my partner in crime who watches over everything like me but actually is an expert in public relation, Violet our SEO specialist and Chris who watches offline advertising, not to forget Kiara my ex-flatmate are all the people i love dearly and hold a place in my heart.

"Don't you have any work to do?" she enquired.

I gave her a look.

"Don't you forget I am you AVP, and yes I have a meeting with our VP in like five minutes, i am actually waiting for his call." just then my phone ringed.

"That must be him."

"Hi. Rose here."

"Hey Rose, it's me Jane."

"Hey what's up?"

"Can you come at the reception, you have a parcel."

"A parcel?"

"Yes, looks like your Santa was too excited to give you an early present." she laughed.

Santa? this early. It was just yesterday that the Secret Santa was planned and decided. How can someone send me this early?

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