Chapter I

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I am a half-half god, or should I say a quarter god.

I am Kane Grace, my father, the son of Jupiter, is Jason Grace, the hero who fought the Earth goddess, Gaea, alongside with Percy Jackson, the greatest hero of all times, the hero who I looked up to, and other five demigods, one among them is my mother, Piper.

I sat at a bench, watching the demigods and quarter gods like me train. Percabeth Jackson, the daughter of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase just won against with her training pair, Loki Roberts, son of Apollo after disarming him, making him throw away his sword. She stood there, at the center of the training arena proudly, her glistening black and long hair sways from the blow by blow of the cool wind. Her fierce gray eyes are piercing. She wore a bronze breastplate for battle, underneath it was a maroon long sleeve shirt paired with blue faded jeans. I just sat there almost motionless, feeling the intense aura filling the air.

"Who else wanna fight me?" Percabeth from below yelled, her deep womanly voice startled me. No one answered, no one dared to. She seemed to look at my direction, she focused her gaze on me, intending to eyeball me.

"Hey, how about you Kane-Charmer," she called, her tone was soft but it made my heart skipped a beat.

I haven't had tried hand to hand combat, I had only fought twice in the arena, because I dreaded to show my power, it was insane, because of my lame ability to charm speak I was labeled as a coward, or worse being called gay. The very first time I used my ability was when I asked dad to get me a figurine of an anime character which I fancied so much, that was when I was four, he bought it and after buying the chibi (cute) figurine of Kurumi Tokisaki he got confuse and then later and too late, he had found out that he had just been charm spoken.

When I was seven, my father trained me with swords, I was bruised, hurt and injured, mom scolded him and told him not to ever let me wield a weapon again; instead, she honed my ability to charm speak. When I was eleven I fought at the arena with Brandon Brown, son of Ares, he was bulky with all the muscles even though he's just eleven, he is well-built for his age while I on the other hand was gangly and lean. I stood at the center confidently, not even wielding a weapon, while he was battle ready, wearing all the intricate for battle. He smiled crookedly as he charged forward with his sword, I returned a smile and ordered him to stop with charms in my voice, he stopped and looked at me, perplexed, then at the crowd, I then told him to forfeit the game which he then obliviously followed. I won the battle.

My next training pair was Dianna Gray, daughter of Aphrodite, she was a beauty, about my age, she stood there as confident as I am. I was oblivious that she too can charm speak, the worse is that she's more experienced than I was, she ordered me to put down my sword. At first I got confused, she walked forward and intensified her sweet voice, she ordered me to stay still. I stood still. She moved at my back and whispered something in my ears which made the hairs on my body stood up.

"Mom, help me!" I screamed. And that was the most embarrassing thing she ordered me to do, blood rushed to my veins so fast. I felt my face blushed from the humiliation, every pair of piercing eyes was now looking at me mockingly. I was woken by the intense humiliation. Released from the bind of her charms, I yelled, "Shut up!" at full power, everyone stopped laughing, confused.

I then drew out my sword and hit her head so hard with its hilt, she stumbled on the ground, unconscious.

After the incident I didn't dare to ever fight in the arena, nor did any combat training at Camp Half-blood.

"Hey," Percabeth called, pulling me from the nightmares of my life.

"Come down and train with me!" She ordered.

I quickly replied her yes, realizing, "Wait, what no," I was back on my senses.

"A yes is a yes." She smiled crookedly and readied herself for battle. She ordered the waters to bring me down from the bench above, the water held me firmly, drenching my white hooded jacket and my black jeans, my undergarments included.

I was standing on the fighting arena. Everyone stopped parring and intended their eyes to watch the most epic battle that would now or be is happening in Camp Half-blood.

She released the hold of the water, simultaneously taking a stance. My legs were secretly shaking but I completely managed to conceal it, she charged forward, gripping the deadliest sword, the Tide, the ancient and even more powerful sword than Riptide, it was created by Hecate herself and crafted with the missing tine of Lord Atlantis's trident, filled with Hecate's magic. She got the sword after the quest of locating the lost city of Atlantis, she succeeded, together with Grover Jr. and Tyla, they're a weird team, she who is the daughter of the greatest heros teaming up with a half-satyr, half nymph, and with a half-cyclops, half-harpy.

She charged forward, blue waters and purple mists are swirling around her golden sword. I didn't move, I just can't, she's very fast, she stood in front of me, her sword is inches away from my dear face, she is really intending to hit me in the face but she can't, she really can't reach me, a powerful gust of wind revolves around me and shoots her away, sending her meters away. She gawked at me, piercing her gray eyes that are so intent. The waters protected her.

"Not bad huh," she mused then send a massive wave of tidal wave towards me, the tsunami-like wave sprouts from her sword and is coming towards my direction. I closed my eyes, feeling the wind, the powerful and gigantic wave was split into two as a forceful wind sliced through it, the waters dispersed, flooding the demigods around. One was even carried away by the strong currents while others have managed to evade the powerful flood. The wind swept as it collided with her sword, gusts of wind shook the barracks and stalls around. She managed to make a smile and charged forward again, so fast that I cannot almost see her. A heavy blow comes from above, she's above me and about to pierce me with her sword.

"Stop!" I ordered, charms filled my voice, she stopped in mid air, confused, waters swirl around her waist holding her, some demigods were even affected by my spell, they even stop from moving. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Not so fast Charmer," she's at my back and was about to hit me with the hilt of her sword. I managed to duck just as she was about to smack me, I ordered the wind to push her away, I succeeded, she flew away.

What the! An intense feeling, a heavy lump of pain just struck my belly, it comes from a very powerful punch. My guts knotted from the intense blow, I stepped backwards. I'm forgetting who am I fighting with, the granddaughter of Athena, a strategist. I kneeled in front of her, in front of everyone, stomach burning. I looked into her eyes, they were burning. I clenched my hands into fist, anger is boiling from the pit of my stomach.

"Damn you, seaweed brainiac!" I cussed, she just smiled crookedly, her face twitched in hate or was that a look of disgust?

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" She questioned me.

"Think as you like," I replied rudely and shot blows by blows of gattling wind from my hand but she just easily deflected them. I forcefully stand up, glaring at her with hate. She was about to summon another tidal wave to attack me and I was about to attack too with a powerful ball of wind I planned in mind when we were stopped by Chiron and Dionysius.

Chiron was in his centaur form while Dionysius wore a Hawaiian shirt and shorts.

"Cut it you two," Chiron ordered, we both stood up straight, afraid to get scolded by the dignified hero trainer.

"Hotblooded as her father, you Johnsons," Dionysius interrupted.

"It's Jackson," Percabeth corrected, glaring an icy look at the wine god.

"You two have a quest to fulfill, the two of you and a grandchild of one of the big three," Chiron started.

"A quest?" I asked in awe.

I don't know what I'm feeling, my heart is filled with both glee and fear, or was it the feeling of excitement.

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