Chapter II

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We followed Chiron and Dionysius into the big house.

The discussion with the Oracle only lasted in minutes, Rachel Elizabeth Dare's prophecy was vague, it wasn't even a riddle, she just told us to be careful with this dangerous and devastating thing called love.

The night was spent for preparation, I was still thinking of who will be going with us to our quest, one of the big three's grandchild, it was me, Percabeth and who is the third one? Percabeth's little brother? He just turned ten, my sisters? They were just three years old. Tyla? But she's, maybe, or maybe not from Camp Half-blood, maybe on the other camp, at Camp Jupiter, Hazel Zhang's daughter, the shape shifter and sorceress, Freya Zhang. I had only met her once, at the grand seven reunion. She's fierce, as bulky as her father but as beautiful as her mother, she has a curly brown hair, a fair skin, and golden brazen eyes. Base on what I heard, she's now a praetor at Camp Jupiter and had received Mars blessings at the same time. It was kinda odd, Mars and Pluto, I guess her blood is a bad mix. But gods' DNA doesn't even passed on to their children.

I have packed all the things I needed, ambrosia, a silver dagger, the Katoptris, honey and my camp shirts, I even included two of my favorite hooded jackets.

I looked at the ceiling, lying on the bed at Zeus' cabin, alone. I didn't move into Aphrodite's, I don't like her children, what they only cared about was how to impress who they like plus Dianna Gray was there.

I closed my tired eyes, hoping to sleep. I did sleep luckily. I have never been bothered by a nightmare; instead, I managed to sleep peacefully. Demigods are often visited with nightmares, so do we.

Morning came and we were assembled outside, at the former Thalia's tree which glistened strongly to protect the camp. Still, our third companion hasn't been told who to us.

I wore a purple hooded jacket with the inscription of HOLLYWOOD in it, black khaki pants and a pair of white sports shoes, Percabeth on the other hand wore a maroon long-sleeved shirt, a pair of gray fitted jeans and boots. Both of us have our backpacks on.

"Who are we waiting for?" Percabeth grumbled, motioning to cross the border and back again.

"Patience my child," Chiron started, "you still have a companion to wait for, she'll come sooner."

She? There's no mistaking it, our third companion is definitely Frank and Hazel's daughter, Freya Zhang, the granddaughter of Mars and Pluto.

Minutes later, a rainbow appeared, in its holographic swirling features, in the rainbow showed the image of my mom, Piper McLean Grace.

"Hi there Kane. Doing better?" She started, I looked at her in awe, she's with my twin sisters who constantly played with her hair, her eyes are constantly changing in colors, her expression then shifted into a look of a worried mother.

"What is it mom?" I asked her.

"I have this dream, a dreadful dream, though not quite as clear as what Katopris always shows me but I know it's grave, so I want you to be extra careful, I know we've talked last night but please be reminded that in every journey there is only a fifty percent certainty that you'll pass it or otherwise." Her saddened expression also saddened me, I look at her in the eyes and said, "I know about that already mom, don't worry I'll be fine."

I have told my mom about what I did in the arena, how I summoned the winds and control them and she looked happy hearing about it. She made a sly smile before her image disappeared and leaving me with these sweet words, "I love you." I smiled, Percabeth saw me and teased me in a disgusted tone, "Tsss, a mama's boy." "Admit it, you're just jealous." I teased back, smirked which grossed her out even more. Moments afterwards, we saw the Argon II, all new and well, descending from the cumulus clouds, piercing them. I have once ridden this aeroship and I really loved it. It hovered in mid air.

"Where are we heading to?" Asked Percabeth to Leo who was busy tinkering a new device, she sighs and grumbled, feeling forfeited that after the several tries of asking, Leo hasn't answered her, "Oh, isn't it such a drag that we're going on a quest oblivious about it? With only having the hint 'Love', how stupid." "We're going to Rome," Leo confessed. "To Rome?" She asked. "I thought you were a strategist, a smart granddaughter of Athena, but it seems you are as much a seaweed brained like your father," that statement made Leo smile while Percabeth just pouted, then she stood up straight from her seat, all high and mighty then say, "By the clue given, of course I have ideas, either we're going on a quest that relates to Aphrodite or her children," she pauses and motioned at me as if accusing me for doing something unlawful, "but the Oracle had chosen the three grandchildren of the big three, so I suppose there is a huge thing happening that only us can resolve, we the three grandchildren of the big three, the three half-half demigods, are up to something very important."

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