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You were awakened by the sound of your phone ringing next to you. You sat up in bed and realised it was Jihoo. Today was the day that you were leaving your hotel room to move into the SM dorm and Jihoo was going to help you.  “Y/N” he yelled into the phone “Are you ready yet?! Can I come round and help you now???”  you were surprised at how eager Jihoo was at this time in the morning..”um no, why are you calling so early?! its 7am we don’t need to be at the SM building until 11,atleast!!” you told him,”yes but I know how long you are going to take to pack all your things up! Get moving NOW and I will be round at 9!”  and with that he hung up. You rubbed you hand over your eyes trying to wake yourself up and then got yourself ready for the day. Even though you were going to be moving, you still had to look smart for you first day so you wore a smart black pencil skirt with a casual top, nothing special. You made a start packing all your belongings away when you heard a knock at your door. You let Jihoo in and you both immediately started taking your many suitcases down into his car.

Once you had finished it was time to leave the hotel ,which you had been staying at for nearly a month, and head over to the SM building to see your new home…..and meet EXO. The thought made your stomach flip upside down. You were so nervous but you didn’t know why.....

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