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As you walked in you could hear the members laughing and talking. You slowly walked in behind Jinhoo but kept your head down. When you where fully in the room you looked up to see the whole of EXO looking in your direction. They were sat on the floor on the opposite side of the room. You felt yourself blush slightly since you where standing in front of 11 handsome men. All of the members where smiling at you from across the room and you bowed and waved back. Im Hyun Kyun told the members what was going on. All the time, you couldn't help but wonder who you were going to be put with.

You where so overwhelmed that you hadn't even noticed the other girl standing the other side of EXOs manager. 'she must be the other new assisant ' you thought to yourself.

"This is Y/N. She has came all the way from (___your country__) to work here at SM" said Hyun Kyun. "And this is Hae Won who is also new here" he said introducing the other new girl. She was a small lady who had short black hair and looked a few years older than you. All of the members said hello as they continued to listen to their manager, "HaeWon is going to be Chanyeols new assistant and Y/N is going to be..." Your heart felt like it was pounding through your chest, who could it be?! .... "Baekhyuns new assistant!"

Everyone in the room was clapping and all of the members stood up to come over and greet you properly. The first person to speak to you was your new 'boss' Baekhyun. "Hello Y/N! I'm so happy to meet you! I hope that we can be really good friends and enjoy working together!!" he said. Up close he looked so much more handsome. You where distracted by his hair, his smile, his skin, his eyebrows, his lips, his eyes.Him. You suddenly snapped out of it and replied to him and told him how grateful you where to be here. "Let's speak comfortably and enjoy each others company since we will be around each other lots~yes?" he said confidently. He was so sweet.

Baekhyun's assistantOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant