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After you had met all of the members, you all went back to your rooms to prepare for your first proper day at work tomorrow. Jihoo came with you and helped you unpack everything and help you settle into your new room. There was a knock at the door and Jihoo answered it.. "Tiffany!!! Come in quick and meet Y/N" you heard Jihoo say. You turned around to see a tall girl with long black hair and she was holding a bunch of flowers. "Hi Y/N! My name is Tiffany, I am Xiumins assistant! Ive brought you some flowers for you as gift for moving in!!" she said enthusiastically . She seemed like a nice person. "Hello! Ahh Tiffany you didn't have to buy me a gift but thank you" You replied. "Your welcome!! Jihoo has told me all about you! I hope that we can become friends!!" Tiffany smiled, she had lots of aegyo^.^ "Why don't we all go out for dinner?" said Jihoo.. "Great idea!!! Come on Y/N you must be starving after your busy day?!" Tiffany said with a huge smile on her face.

You all went out into Seoul, which was rather busy at night. Over dinner, Tiffany gave you lots of advice for your new job and you also found out that she was in a relationship with Chen...."So your not allowed to tell anyone outside of SM that you two are dating???" you said.."no, otherwise the fans will go crazy and it might attract negative attention towards the EXO members, so you have to promise not to tell anyone! but I trust you y/n" ...You were so shocked to hear the Chen had a girlfriend~ everyone had done such a good job at hiding it. Even the crazy sasaeng fans hadnt found out about this one. But you were pleased that Tiffany trusted you enough to tell you, it made you feel welcome.

After many hours of talking to Tiffany and Jihoo over dinner, you went back to your room. By the time you got back it was 9pm. You decided to take a shower and make sure that you had everything ready for tomorow. When you had finally unpacked everything from your suitcases you decided to get some sleep for your big day working with Baekhyun tomorow. . . . .

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