Chapter five

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                           Your POV

I put my earphones in and play sunflower. I don't know what it is that got me into this song I just liked it.
                         (Time skip brought to you by the author being a dork.)
I arrive at school. Remembering that little scene outside with the boy and his dad. I see him walking around confused, so I go over to help him. I tap his shoulder and he turns around. "Hi." I say. "Hi." He respond back." You look lost. Do you need some help?" He sighs. And rolls his head back, and breaths out,"thank you, finally someone nice for a change." He smiles. I smile back. "Nice headphones" I complement. He looks at them. "Oh thanks. They're pretty old though."He shyly smiles. "Yeah but we can't have phones. Only at lunch or when your teacher lets you." I inform him. He takes his headphones from across his neck. "That's messed up." He says. "Yeah especially considering the fact that's all I do." I say. I smack my head. "Oh my gosh, I'm Shamyra." I say holding out my hand. He takes it. "Miles, miles morales." "Nice to meet you." I say. "You too." He says. I take him to his class. "Ok you have this class and the next one is down there." I point down the hallway. "And the last five you SURPRISINGLY have with me." "Cool." He smiles. "We'll see ya." I wave. "See ya." He says back.
                  (Time skip still you)
I put my earphones in, and listen to sunflower AGAIN. Jeez do I have a sunflower fetish? I get in line, and wait, until I feel hands snake around my waist. I jump and get in a fighting pose. "Woah relax una luchadora (feisty one), it's just me." Says miles putting his hands up in defense. I sigh and get out of my stance. I laugh. "Your lucky I don't have my pocket knife." He laughs too. "Ok,ok I'm sorry, so what's for lunch?" He asks licking his lips and rubbing his belly. I roll my eyes. "Um it's Monday, so chicken tenders, soda, and fries." I list. "Well that's another perk about this school." He says. "What's the other one I ask?" He looks at me. "You. My new and only friend here." My mouth opens slightly, then I smile. "You too." I smile. We get our food and sit down.
                      Time skip. Miles POV
It's been two months and y/n has been the best friend anyone could have. I feel like I could trust her with anything. Should I tell her I'm Spider-Man? I will but not right now. I really like her. Not as a friend, but like a girlfriend. But what if she doesn't feel the same about me? Well it's worth a try.
                 Your POV
I'm in my dorm listening to music and doing homework. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* goes the door. I get up and answer it, it's miles. "Hey." He says. "Hey, can I come in?" He asks. "I mean, guys and girls can't really be in the same room." I say." Oh what the hell, come on in." I laugh, taking his hand. He comes in and I close the door. We sit on my bed. "Sooooooooooo what brings you here?" I ask.

Cliffhanger aren't they your favorite?
Plz don't kill me I'll update soon. Bye my lovelies.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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