1 Kiara

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Hi readers, thanks for reading my book but I have a few things to say first. I want to ask that you only comment on my book for constructive criticism or complements on my writing, I don't want anyone posting hateful comments on my book please, don't let the haters destroy my book as it is not yours to wreck in the first place. Thanks, and on that note happy reading.


I was down at the beach that day. The day It all changed. In some ways it was the day I changed, for better or for worse. 

In a small secluded stretch of beach on the south west coast of England that nobody else knew about, at least I didn't think that anyone knew about the cove, a special place just for me. My haven. A place of solitude. The golden sands never burned my feet, the perfect temperature, and yet were always warmed by the summer sun. the crystalline waters that clouded from a emerald like colour to a deep asure the farther you got from the shore, in some places you could see the corals and the minuscule fish swimming through the branches and fans of the reef, hiding from the predators of their ecosystem. the perfect rock smooth to the touch, due to thousands of years of the oceans waves battering the stone until it was no longer sharp, but smooth instead. The perfect place to be alone. A place to be myself, away from prying eyes. To have my own space. 

At home I had to be silent, at home I was forbidden from meeting their eyes, I was not allowed to say enything unless I was spoken to first, which was usually only demands and insults,  i was constantly told I was not worth the life I was given, not worth loving, and that I was not worth my gifts. Gifts of knowledge, of beauty, and an angelic voice. At least my mother said that I did. Not like they ever said I was eny of those things, they saw me as a inhuman thing that was not even big enough to see, or even have love. In their jealousy they smeared my face with dirt and forbade me from singing, and if I sang they burned me and In invisible places, mutilating me, abusing me.

My father had been broken by my mothers death(my mother was the kindest person I ever knew. She was compassionate, caring and Obote all , she found beauty in all the creatures of the world) and soon married again to a woman who cared about nobody. Nobody but herself and her son Daniel. Not like he knew enemy of this, in front of him, they were the moast caring people ever, but they were just after his money. My father was the owner of a chain of a famous chain of restaurants that he started with my mother when they first met. My dad died a couple months later, wishing to be with his true love. That's when it got worse. The only reason they drag me hear every year is to be there slave. year after year after year. With the deep azure sea lapping at my toes, I gaze up at the horizon and sing. I sing to release my emotions that I cannot release eneywhere else.

RING RING, RING RING. I glance at my phone to see She is calling me "MAGGOT, WERE ARE YOU MAGGOT, DO THE DISHES NOW OR ELSE!" . She screeaches down the phone, right into my ear, miserably  I treak back to the house I am forced to call home.

The house was massive, easily large enough to house 3 separate families. A luxury beach house with its own private pool and beach space. My father purchased the house as a place to get away from it all, from the chaos of life and relax with his family. It was heavenly and I had maney friends to play with that my dad allowed me to bring over for the summer. It used to be a place of joy and wonder, but now it only stands for suffering.

As I approach I see my step brother Daniel "oh you're in for it maggot ,mum is pissed that you weren't there when she called you ."

I bite back my reply as nothing good will come from my sarcasm, just pain.

"MAGGOT,GET HERE RIGHT NOW" I rech the kitchen where my step mum Alicia waits impatiently for me. "WHY IS YOUR HAIR WET!  NEVER MIND YOU JUST WONT HAVE DINNER TONIGHT". 

After doing the washing up I slink away to the pool house where I have been banished to for the duration of the summer and grab my sole book and travel back  to my haven, The only place where I can be happy, sad or express Andy emotion at all, I swim to the rock in my only swimsuit  from years ago and cry. I  still remember those happy days. Even if they are only a distant memory , I remember splashing around in  the gentle waves of my haven with mum, aside from me, my mum was the only other person alive who knew about this place, I should know, she was the one who discovered it in the first place. 

Singing songs and humming melodies with dad, his voice was like that of a dove soft and calming, much like his heart. Roasting marshmallows on a bonfire, it's scarlet flames dancing in the night licking at the  the sky. I was happy in my younger years, those years that my family had prospered. 

Raising my hand towards my cheek, I wipe away a bitter tear, for remembering those days, remembering my past, always brought tears to my eyes remembering what I will never have again, with my legs pulled up against my chest I weep in silence, my tears flowing down the slope of the rock and into the sea for all eternity. Then I hear a voice, a voice that sounded like wind chimes in a soft breeze.

"don't cry,for what is there to cry about on a day like this"

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