5 kiara

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I rose from unconicocsness to find that I was in a cave. A cave of beauty. The walls and ceilings were crafted with crystals that reflected the strangely iluminated waters, giving the cave a warm glow. The water was clear and schools fo fish could be seen swimming along, it was an underwater paridice, an underwater utopia. 

Down at the bace of the rocks I saw him, the boy who dragged me here. Only to call him a boy was a mistake. Instead of legs he had a tail similar to that of a fish, scaly with patterns and the odd scale every now and then. But the simalaritys ended there. The colour was a royal blue, a shade I had never seen on any fish. The scaly tail had no suspific merging point to his torso, the colour and scales just merged into his pale skin. He was deep I pensive thought, pondering over something. I was curious about the fish boy, at the beach he seamed to care about me, nobody ever cared about me, yet here I was. In a cave, probably far from the beach house and Any land.

I was curious about the stranger with a fish tail, no wonder I had never seen him before."Who are you?"

 I said to the strange boy. My question perked his attention from his thoughts, he turned to me.

"You already know my name kiara, why are you asking this again"

"Sorry, Skylar, I mean what are you, I have never seen anyone like you before."

"Of course you haven't, my species are very secretive."

"Why did you bring me here, I know I was lonely before. But this, this takes the cake!". I don't know why but I couldn't handle my situation, sure my life was an absolute hell hole, but to be dragged away from all I know and love."Trapped in a cave in the middle of the sea, probably miles from any civilisation."

"What are you talking about, I saved you from that Alicia  person. Didn't  you want to get away from her, she was hurting you?". He asked me.

"Sure I was being treated like dirt, but how will I survive in here,hmm, no friends, no freedom, no food or clean water, I'm still trapped Skylar, in this cave or with them!". I was furious that he would do this to me fish or not.

"I have a solution but you will probably refuse it anyway so what is the use, for it to work you need to be willing" he mumbled then louder he said." you will be fine kiara, this is a secret place, as for those issues, there is a freshwater spring that flows from that rock outcropping you are sitting on, food is not an issue because there is plenty of edible seaweed around, you are allowed anywhere inside the cavern and for company you have me."

I started to cry. If this fish Thought that I was ok with this he was mistaken, a life of solitude was like a sharp knife plunging through the heart.

"Why are you crying, I saved you."

"No you didn't, you only condemned me to an even worse life than before."I exclaimed, all of the alone time I now have will only deepen my sorrows.

So this was to be my fate. To be in isolation for the rest of my life.

The merman's human mate(discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon