2 Skylar

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She was there. In the small cove that was just for me and her that no one knew about, and even though she was a human, the enemy of my kind I still gasped upon her in wonder. Her hair, as golden as the sunny sands, and her eyes, eyes as as azure as the ocean blue. It was Meney years ago that I first laid my eyes upon her many sun cycles ago.

I swam to the shore of the small stretch of the coast that I had hidden from prying eyes; a place to be alone with my thoughts. A special place just for me that mother showed me when she went to see her secret friend that only she and I knew about. That was when I first laid eyes upon her. At first I was repulsed by her very form, with those hideous long stick like things humans call legs in the place of her tail, a purple cloth covered her body, I had to admit that the colour rather suited her, she looked rather pretty in the thing she called swimsuit. As she aproched the rock that I usually perch upon, gazing at the twinkling lights in the inky sky, listening to the oceans melody. She sang. The voice was that of the truest mermaid, and yet it was full of hurt and anger. No voice should be that angry.

 Then after her song her face started leaking water from her eyes, then she swam to the shore in sadness. She returned every evening for three lunar cycles then disappeared for Almost a sun cycle and reappeared for another three liner cycles this continued for many sun cycles and after a while I fell head over tail for the fair maiden of the land.

This is the day I thought,this is the day I reveal myself.I hadn't realy planed anything special, but I was sure she was ready to finally meet me, ether that or I was getting to impatient to wait another year without knowing her. I had seen her earlier on the beach staring at the horizon , I  had heard the voice from the box in her hand, I was furious that someone would speak to her that way, calling her maggot, she was not a petty creature, and even more angry that she let them do so and I could not do anything about it. 

After a while she returned and sang, yet it was a song that only spread her sorrow. I couldn't help it. I was going to wait until The night sky was darker and the stars had revealed themselves, but I was compelled to say something. Compelled to ease her pain. 

 "don't cry,for what is there to cry about on a day like this". I said to the maiden of the land.

The merman's human mate(discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora