7 kiara

23 1 0

He bit me! 

Why did he bite me. I said I wanted a life of happiness as a mermaid, not catch a disease. I tried to swim to the surface of the water but Skylar was still holding my left leg In his tight grasp , his teeth buried deep in my flesh. I started thrashing, the pain were from his mouth was like a pounding hammer. I needed air, I can't  hold my breath for much longer. He let go as if sensing my dire need for air I swam to the air pocket and ran to the center of the rock mound where he couldn't reach me.

"What the hell was that for! You jerk! If I catch rabies or something because of you I will kill you!"I screeched at him, furious that he swore he would protect me and then biting me.

"It was nececery kiara I didn't want to bite you but it was the only way please, hear me out"

"No! I... I ... I... I don't  know what to think anymore. I wanted to be happy, not die at the age of 16 Skylar I had a life before you took me it wasn't much but it was a life" I started crying "why did you do this to me, you said you would protect me."

"But... but... but I'm sorry, it was the only way, please, trust me"

"Trust you, that's a joke! One minute you're all caring, the next you're vicious. And unfeeling. Do you have a split personality or something, because I would really like to know if you do" I was raging at him, angry at him, he betrayed my trust and I am probably going to pay for it.

The wound on my leg was already gaining a purple brown color, a bruise was forming on the surrounding area. My fury suddenly transformed into an intense agony. A pain so harsh it felt like my skin was melting, burning away. I scratched in pain, the red hot feeling crawling up my legs, reaching across my chest until my whole body was swarmed with the firey pain it. Then suddenly as soon as it had come the pain vanished within seconds, heat giving way to a blessed coolness. My legs, unable to support my weight any longer gave way, collapsing I thought of my mother and father's smiling faces in the summer sun. 

The merman's human mate(discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt