3 Kiara

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What! Where had that voice come from, a voice that sounded like the twinkle of the stars. "Who are you? what do you want? show yourself!"I call out to whoever was there hidden from sight.

"Down here, don't worry I'm friendly I just wanted to see why you were crying, that's all" 

Said the voice. I glanced down and saw the moast handsome boy I had ever seen. His dark hair so black it appeared blue dripping with water and his eyes were a dazzling silvery blue with a green core around the pupils. 

"I'm not crying, you must be mistaken, who are you anyway?what's your name?"I ask. I was slightly curious about him and how he was here since only me and my mum knew about this place, but why. I didn't know him, why was I even talking to him.

 "My name is Skylar, and might I ask for your name?"

"Why would I tell you my name Skylar, I don't even know you, for all I know you could be a serial killer leading me to my death". that aught to shut him up, I don't like to tell people how I am, in fact I was forbidden from doing So by Alicia when my parents died. 

"Well I told you mine didn't I, and It's only fair that you tell me yours, every question deserves an answer, you'll just have to trust me then won't you".

"I don't even know why I'm doing this"I mumble "I'll just hope that Alicia  doesn't find out  and punish me for it" Slightly louder I say "Your right, you answered me so I should answer you. my name is Kiara, nice to meet you Skylar"

"Nice to meet you to Kiara. What did you say before though, why would this alicia person punish you for talking to someone new, aren't you allowed to make a friend". 

Clearly this boy was clueless, everyone was, they all thought alicia was an angel, may as well tell at least someone about her true colours and what she does to me, someone should know. 

"My step mother rules my life, she treats me like a slave and has forbidden me from talking to anyone, make friends, sing, and practically anything that can make me happy. If I do she hurts me in places that nobody will ever see, and I...I...I... I just can take it anymore. Ever since my dad died she has abused me and used me and I don't know why. I've lost all my old friends because of her.".

I glance down at skyar I see a face of pure rage and hatred. 

"Come here" Skylar said and embraced me in his arms. 

I was crying after such a sudden burst of emotion and sorely needed a hug, when I was younger a hug always made me feel better, it let me know that I was cared for and I wasn't alone in this world and some one was always going to be there for me. As I get into the water he grabs me in a tight embrace.

"can you show me were she hurt you Kiara". I nodded and revealed the ugly burns and scars under my breasts. His face molded into that of pure fury, and before I could do anything, say anything, he dragged me under the waves and in a matter of moments a darkness enveloped  me. 

The merman's human mate(discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora