wyatt goes to the hospital with Sofia

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Wyatt blew up the groups phone.  And he said
Wyatt💕👌:  hey guys guess what? 
Chosen😀😞: what's up bro
Y/n✌💯: you okay Wyatt. 
Kaley❤💕: yeah what's up bro
Jeremy ❤❤: omg Wyatt you okay
Finn😉😀: Bro what's going on. 
Jack: bro comon  tell us
Wyatt: well i guess I'm going to the hospital with Sofia.  Cause Jack Doesn't want to go. 
Jack: well idk how to say this but she kinda cute that's why I don't want to go. 
Sofia was  still bleeding from her head. She was also scared cause she "need surgery" But she Disney want to go by herself so she wanted some one to go with her to the Hospital. 
"Why dose east high has to be so rude. I thought you guys were  like cool and amazing" She said looking into Wyatt's cute eyes. 
"Well east high is. An dumb school because they pick on people for who they look like and what they do.  See Finn wanted to do basketball but they said he to short or he to geekey.  And Kaley well they said she too hyper or she annoying and she wanted to do track but she fell on her ribs and she broke one. And everyone laughter at her. " He said without taking his eyes of Sofia. 
As soon as they kiss.  Jack walked in and saw them about to kiss.  So he stared crying. And the whole Loser Club is right behind Jack.  And they notice that Jack is about to cry. 
Hey guys I'm so sorry this is horrible and ship chapter but I I messed up 😂 sorry it is confusing   but please vote.😂 ~ Krissy

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