Finn and Jack

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They finally alone Finn was having an a fair with both kaley and Jack but....they're girlfriends  don't know yet soooooo.... they're coming out at the dance.
finn~ hey Jack can I seek to you Alone *wipers to jack so his Kristin didn't know*
Jack~ sureeeeeee.
They walk back  to the coner where no body was.
Jack~ Babe what's going on? Are you ok?
Finn~ I think we should tell them.
Kaley~ Hey dose anyone know where Our boyfriends are.
Knowing kristin she shy as fuck so she had kaley do it.
Kristin~ yeah what she said.
Everyone~ No.... we dont know where they are sorry girls
They girls went to fine  Jack and Finn.
Then out of nowhere the 2 boys came out to the whole group so. They know that they are dating.

Jack~ Hey do you guys know where they went . They were with you.
Finn~ we got something to tell them. And it's very seriously. We will tell you after we tell them. Hopefully  they will break up with us.
Jaeden ~ I will be a spy. I will slowly follow the two boy and right before they turn around  I'll tell you guys.
Wyatt~ ok be careful.
HI guys so I'm sorry I have been really in active but I hope they will make it up to you guys. But like I said I have been really busy with family and worrying about thing sorry ~ Kristin

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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