They went to the sewer

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They went to the sewers where pennywise "lives". Kaley and Y/N wanted to drop out of not going so they just stood outside of the sewer. 
Jaeden stared to see Jason redish orangeish jacket 👘.  And jaeden started  to hear a voice saying "you'll float too". Coming from the basement.  So he went down there and check✔ (I'm so extra 😂)  so he went down there and said

"Hello who's h-h-here."

"You'll float too" He heard it again

"Jason is that you."

He saw someone holding a red balloon 🎈in his right hand. 

"Youll float too," And it got a little deeper this time

Jaeden ran upstairs and couldn't sleep he stayed up all night and he ment the rest of loser to the "cliff"
The next day
"So I saw Jason last night" He said

"Well that's impossible he dead"  Kaley  said that trying not to believe him.  Buts she kinda does. 

"HE NOT D-D-DEAD" causing to  start a fight. 


Y/n "so who's going first"  Trying to change the topic. 

Jack "MOVE OUT MY WAY BITCHES" And the it went jaeden then Y/n then Kaley then Sophia. 

Chosen, Finn, and Jermey been fight on who's going last.  We know who going to go last anyway.

Chosen said "I'm going to go first. "

Then Jermey  then Finn

Everyone stared to call Finn pussy's. Because he wouldn't go first. 

They put the girls on the guys shoulders. 

Kaley was on Finns. Y/n was on Jaedens.  Sophia was on Wyatt's.  And of course the 3 boys chosens was base and jermey was on chosens and Jack was on jermey😂.

They all stred to dance till on fell of but surpriseingly no one fell of.  So the next round they stred to jump. So one of them fell 😂

And hey heard a noise from the Bridge cause u you know Nicholas and his friends are fucking dicks. So they curve their name on someone name Dossie.  And she was not having it.  Til one car  passed by with a balloon🎈 in the back seat. She kicked Nicholas  and she wasn't having it (remember the balloon was red not blue).  But she fell backwards. So she ran as fast as she could. But then he was chasing her.

Jaeden "guys there's a girl running towards us."
Kaley" Ik I see her isn't she the home schooler"
Chosen"yeah I know her. "
Y/n "well we gotta help her"
Jack" Yeah she right we do need to help her."
Jermey" Yes"
She ask for help
They found her.
Nicholos " Oh a look what we have here. She now friends with the LOSERS."

They all picked up rocks
Finn yelled "ROCK WARSSS"
They throw rocks Sophia hit at least 2 of the guys in the head.  Then she hit Nickolos he stared running


The hole people ask if Dossi Was okay. 

Kaley 'Hey you okay"
Me and the girls will run in and help you out with the Blood and stuff
Hii.  So I think this chapter is boring and I'm sorry it is but hey you guys meet someone new 😂~ Krissy. 

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