went to look for Jason

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Jason was Jaeden little brother.  He was like 7 or 10 at that time when he  went missing. The boy told the girls to stay with jack and helped him ice his arm because they were pretty sure it was Sprind.  But he couldn't move it.
Jaeden " I'mma go look for my brother.  I miss him everything.  I look in his room.  I miss him everything about him. "
Y/n "well I'm coming to. Cause I care for you and who ever got Jason I'm scared they well get you."

Kaley made a smart ass commet "it's prolly The Dancing clown" She stared laughing while making everyone scared. 

Y/n jumped in Chosen arms.
Jack"it's just a meth. There's no dancing killer clown"

Jaeden "maybe you should come with us.  If you don't belive in clowns"

Finn " I want to go.  Let me got.  "
So pretty much they all went to look "the thing" That got Jason. 
The next day

They all saw started seeing "the clown" Also known as Pennywise.

Let's just say Pennywise is the killer clown. 

Sophia stared having "dreams" About him. 

Jaeden stared to see Jason.  He died in a Red orange jacket 👘. Cause he was outside in the rain ☔ alone. 

Y/n stared to see Clowns everywhere and little kids saying "I see dead people. But kill them all"

Kaley is now scared if clowns after she made the joke about clowns.  That now she regerted to say. 

Jeremy stayed up 45 hours.  Straight with no sleep.  Because me is scared of  dying in his sleep. 

Jack well he stared to move in with Finn 😂 because he was also scared of dying in his sleep so now Richie and Jack are sleeping in the same bed (no there not having sex)  but everyone shipped them to be together so yeah

Finn well he said clowns aren't real.  And said " Is vergens can only see this is that why I can't see the clown"while Jack was staring at him to get him to stop exposing them😂😂(did I tricked ya)

They did there research on were Pennywise the clown lives.  And an article said that he lives in the C
So this turned into the movie not meaning to 😂😂 sorry guys ~krissy

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