Chapter 11

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I screech. I screech so loud that Corey covers his ears and winces. The same cat bounds out at us from behind the brush and crouches, ready to spring.

"What is that?" I gulp. The cat is a little larger than a domestic cat, with the same spots that cheetahs and leopards have.

"It's an ocelot," Corey murmurs, "A predatory cat that can be very aggresive despite it's size." He raises the arm with the knife in hand. It's eyes burn through mine. A stare-off with a predatory cat, I think. Perfect.

"Will it be aggresive towards us?" I say without looking away from it. "Considering we likely crossed it's territory-"

Corey starts to say, but is interupted by a deep growl coming from the ocelot's throat. I gulp. "I'll just assume that's a yes."

The ocelot looks from me to Corey and back to me again. He must know I'm injured... My thoughts are interrupted when the ocelot takes another step closer to us. I'm about to move the crutches backward when Corey grabs my arm.

"Don't move," He says in my ear. "It's a sign of weakness." I break my gaze away from the cat and look at him.

His eyes are trained on it and his jaws are clenched tightly together, defining his cheekbones. I look back at the ocelot with the same stare as Corey's. Hard, cold and menacing.

The cat's eyes widen, almost as if with fear as it scampers away from us. The last I see of the ocelot is it's long tail as it dissapears into the jungle.

Corey lowers his arm with the knife and looks at me. "Geez Leila, you didn't have to terrify it that much!!" He chuckles. "Did I do that? Is my face seriously that terrifying?" I say with wide eyes. "No, but the two of us staring at him menacingly must've freaked him out." All I can say is an embarrassed "Oh.".

"Are you okay to keep walking?" Corey asks. I nod. "I'm fine. I wanna see whatever it was you were going to show me." I say.

Corey winks and motions for me to follow him. We walk along until he stops abruptly and I see the most beautiful thing in my life.


Hey whoever is reading this, I have nothing much to say this week except that the weather is really nice and no one reads my current chapters so, yeah.... And this chapter us really short. lol.


Abby :)

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