Chap 3: Dishabiliophobia

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That morning you had helped your mum to bring inside some furniture since you had just moved to this town. You somehow got your family to move to this town so you could be in school with your boyfriend (Jake), you would text him every morning for the past two years. Your new school was very strict with the dress code everybody had to wear the school dress code, all females had to wear a skirt and their school shirt with their tie. You look at the time and realise you have only five minutes. So you had to rush to school not realising you had put on a shirt three times smaller (that was for your younger brother) and a skirt that was very loose.

You are in Year 10 (sophomore year) and you enter Health (Sex-ed) class and everyone was in class. You literally were so lucky to get to class just as the bell rang. You were out of breath as you walk in and hear your name getting called

"Y/n, y/n"

You didn't think anyone in this school knew who you were but you turned around and realised it was Jake. This was your first time meeting him in person, you panted and run up to him and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged you back as the rest of the class wondered who you were (since it was a small school in that small town everyone, knew everyone). Jake said, "Chill guys it's that girl I told you kept hitting on me." I shoved him and laughed as did everyone else.

The teacher then told everyone to sit down and Jake insisted for me to sit in front of him since it was the only seat unoccupied. 

The teacher said, "So guys we have finished learning about a healthy lifestyle but now we learn about puberty."

Everybody groaned but I was just annoyed because my last school literally gave the whole lecture, but not my parents they're so worried about ruining my innocence its kind of sweet.

It was now the end of class and the teacher said "Honestly if you would just let me finish talking in class it would go faster than if you just laugh at everything I say and all the pictures that I show"

~~~ Time Skip to the end of class~~~

So I get out of my chair and lean down to pick up my bag from the ground and my whole shirt rips in half and just comes off and since I had no time to put on a bra my top half was exposed to the class. I drop my bag from the pure shock then my keyring somehow hooked onto my skirt and undies and pulled them down ripping both in half. So now the whole class could see me fully naked. I knew I had nothing to cover myself so I was just frozen as the whole class laughed saying stuff like "This is a real-life diagram of puberty" or "Ohhh gonna strip for us I see". I looked at the teacher hoping for help but they just chuckled under their breath and you could tell they're not going to help. You then turn your head around to look at Jake. He then looked from head to toe and then you gave up knowing no one was going to help you. You sprinted out of class with only a vague idea of where the bathroom so you ran around for a few minutes getting glances or remarks like "it's not a party" or "Are they teaching you how to strip". When you were in the toilet you waited until it was lunch and this girl threw clothes under your stall and she said: "It's from jake".

You came out from the toilet with a uniform on and see Jake waiting with his back turned. You shout "Jake, Jake". He turns around to reveal JACK with green hair he then starts laughing. You sprint to the toilet and see yourself naked again you close your eyes begging for it to stop. You open them again to see yourself in your office with multiple Sean's crowding around you laughing, trying to touch you. You scream in agony and fiercely wake up in your bedroom.

You realised you had a nightmare about your traumatic experience when you were younger that caused you to have dishabiliophobia. You were breathing extremely heavily and your heart was racing a never-ending marathon. No matter how hard you tried when you were younger to get rid of that fear it wouldn't go away. You then remembered how from there onwards you were called throughout the whole town stripper y/n no matter who, what, when or where. Jake and everyone would always joke about this and you forced yourself to think it was just a friendly joke. But whenever they mentioned it you would become terrified. You thought why am I not normal, why don't I find this funny like everyone else. You from their forth got dishabiliophobia the fear to undress in front of people. You could no longer undress in front of people, friends or family or even in their house. It would worry you that they would somehow peer through and watch. I can't even look at myself with a bra and undies on.

You went through a few years of therapy and although you never got over your fear it became less and less severe. At least through all those therapy sessions, it inspired you to become one. You adored helping people but you were always too shy to do so but this way people went to you for help.

You couldn't understand why you got this nightmare from nowhere. You only had nightmares like this if something earlier triggered your fear.

You went to the kitchen for a drink to calm yourself down and realised. It was because of your experience with Sean. It sparked a feeling you hadn't felt in forever affection. Your brain then automatically worried you would end up with him seeing you naked. Just even mentioning the scenario frightens you. Honestly, why does my brain always overreact to everything?

It always troubled you that you could instantly remember all the events on that day so vividly.

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