Chap 8: Trapped

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You wake up from an uncomfortable bed, your groggy eyes trying to figure out where you are. You look around the room it almost feels like an empty and abandoned dungeon but the walls were covered in crimson-stained blood on the walls both fresh and clotted. You try to remember, why am I here? What happened to me to get here... Antisepticeye!

"Yes," you hear as Antisepticeye suddenly appears in front of you making you jump backwards and crash into the hard floor.

"This is going to be so much fun," he says while you struggle to get up.

You stutteringly mutter "H..H...HhHow? How did you? I..I"

"Ohh you poor little thing, well as much as I would love to mess with you more Jack organised some stupid conference so I have to go... ugh. But don't worry we have tomorrow." He smiles intensely and you feel so vulnerable while he was mocking you.

"Now I need you to clean this pigsty and Jack only comes when it's necessary otherwise he gets a bit out of control. I think there's a list of what is required of you today and let's say if you don't get it all done then you will get a first class ticket to a whole new world of pain."

You are too terrified to speak so all you do is a nod in response. He then proceeds to leave the house and you go to wash your face to wake yourself up. You finally feel at ease as anti has left. You wonder does Anti now control Jack? You walk downstairs and see that the place is a mess and you can tell that there is a lot to be done without the list. You go to finding the list so you can finish these chores as quickly as possible since you don't know when he's gonna be back. Knowing the least he can do and how painful it is, you don't want to provoke him in any way.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After a very long day of cleaning and tidying up, you can finally have a rest. You sit down on the couch just taking some simple deep breaths. Looking outside you see it's almost dark, thinking how long was I cleaning. You forget the thought and peacefully watch the sunset. Until you hear the door click open and Anti slam open the door allowing himself to enter the house.

Seeing no expression on his face he then yells at you

"If you finished cleaning get back in your room and go to sleep as you mortals do. I don't want to see you here"

You hurriedly get back to your room, trying to get as far away from the demon as you could.

You're trying to get some sleep, to escape this day. You restfully breathe in and out ignoring Anti obnoxiously playing Netflix. But it was too distracting for you and end up thinking about when you're going to leave. Suddenly like a gloomy cloud, your fears overtake you. 

You worry yourself thinking I am never going to leave, no one will help me, Sean isn't coming back, at least not for me. You realise you are most likely not going to escape, you are not going to get your normal life back! You are now forever stuck as this demon's slave. You ask yourself: What will he do to me? What does he want from me?

Your heart starts racing as you start sweating you push yourself against the walls trying to get up whilst uncontrollably shaking, you end up covered in blood but when you tried to find the door but it was locked you bash yourself against the door trying to get past the block of wood. You start to have a panic attack, you stay up most of the night trying to calm yourself down.

The next day wasn't so bad, you were cooking for Anti as he was at another meeting luckily this distracted you from having any panic attacks. When Anti came home and once again sent you to your room as he watched Netflix.

You walk into the dreaded room and the door instantly closes and you hear the door clicked, it was locked. This triggers a panic attack and you don't make it through the night with any proper sleep. As you were in bed crying after your last panic attack you hear the door slam. Knowing Anti just being his ignorant self you quickly wipe away your tears and get a grip on yourself for the day ahead of you. 

He opens the door and sees your current state and with slight disgust says "get downstairs in ten in a decent state. I have some ground rules, you can say." And he slams the door making you slightly jump scaring you. You wash your face feeling better you change and go downstairs.

For a moment you stare at Anti, it's relieving seeing him in such a relaxed state as he fiddles with a tiny knife. He notices you and yells why aren't you cooking breakfast already.

You look down and proceed to cook bacon and eggs on toast. He then says

Y/N there are some things you must keep in mind 

number 1: If you do anything wrong, I will know and you will get punished 

number 2: if you plan to pull off any stunt, I will know and like before you will get punished 

number 3: you're here as my servant, maid however you would like

number 4: you're not going to see anyone again including Sean but at least there's me

You think to yourself I guess this is my life now.

You have finished your day slaving to Anti once again but he seems less energetic. It was probably all those boring meetings, they always drain my energy too. You go into your "room" and eventually fall asleep after a long thread of panic attacks that just won't seem to go away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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