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Friday 9:08PM

Ruby's POV

I can't believe that Sapphire is going to sleep with me! But I sometimes think... What will the others think about me? It doesn't matter now, what matters is being with Sapphire and making sure she's alright.

Sapphire's POV

I can't stop thinking that Ruby has been turned to a corrupted wolf gem! I mean it's not that bad right? Right?! But anyways, Ruby & I are near at her place and I'm pretty excited to stay over with her!

3rd POV

About 10 minutes later, Ruby & Sapphire are at Ruby's place. Ruby approaches at her front door and gets her key out and unlocks the front door. "Ladies first~" Said Ruby with a silly grin on her face. "Ha ha, very funny Ruby." Said Sapphire while entering Ruby's house. Later that night, Ruby & Sapphire have been hanging out, laughing, talking about what their gonna do with their lives. "Maybe, we could be teachers some day!" Said Sapphire. "What? No, how about sports! I'm pretty good at doing sports!" Ruby said. "Nah, I'm not that kind of sporty kind of gem.." "But it could be fun.. " Sapphire said while smiling. Sapphire and Ruby kept talking about what their gonna do in the future, what jobs their gonna get until..."BTZZ!!" It was Ruby's phone. "Ugh! It's probably Jasper.. " Ruby said while picking up her phone.

Jasper: Hey Ruby

Ruby: Hey Jasper.

Jasper: We just sent that cyclops to the haunted woods and she never came back. She's probably shattered or lost.

Ruby growls at Jasper's response. "What's wrong Ruby?" Sapphire said. "O-Oh! Uh..It's nothing important." Sapphire frowned. "C'mon Ruby, let me see." Sapphire said while she was trying to get Ruby's phone from her but then, Ruby teasingly pulled her phone away from Sapphire. "Ah, ah, ah~" Said Ruby teasingly. "You gotta be quicker than that." Said Ruby.

Sapphire's POV

The further I try to reach Ruby's phone, the more she pulls it away from me. "C'mon Ruby! Let me see!" I said chuckling. Ruby stood up and looked at me. "You gotta catch me first!" Ruby said while running away.
"Oh! Your on!" I said while chasing her.

3rd POV

After about 2 and a half minutes later of running around, Ruby ran to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Sapphire came across the bedroom she giggled quietly. "Oh, Ruby~" Sapphire said while opening the bedroom door, "I know your in here~" Sapphire said while looking around the bedroom. Just then Ruby appeared behind Sapphire. "Gotcha!" Ruby yelled out. "Ahh!" Sapphire screamed. Suddenly, Ruby pinned Sapphire down to the ground and wiggled her hands then tickled Sapphire's waist! "Tickle, tickle!" Ruby said. "Ahh, Ruby no!" Sapphire shouted out.

Sapphire's POV

I laughed and laughed while Ruby was tickling my waist. I tried to push Ruby away, but the more I try the more Ruby tickles me! "Ahh! Nooo!" I shouted out. Then, Ruby stopped tickling my waist and both of us were out of breath. "Heh.." Ruby chuckled. I smiled at Ruby then realised what position me and Ruby are in! I blushed massively. "Sapphire? You ok?" Ruby asked. "Your all..Blue, are you blushing?" Ruby said. "N-No, no, no, no! I-I'm just.. Hot is all heh heh.. " I said nervously.

Ruby's POV

"I-I'm just.. Hot is all heh heh.. " Sapphire said. I know she's lying, so I frown a bit. "Sapphire, what's-" I stopped at my sentence then realised what I was doing. I got off of Sapphire and blushed heavily. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!! I'm so so sorry S-Sapphire!!" I say nervously. "Y-Your alright.." Sapphire said while scratching the back of her neck. I then felt pretty bad, then, I heard Sapphire yawn which snapped me out of my thoughts. "It's getting pretty late, we should go the bed." I say, "Sure!" Sapphire said smiling. I go to my drawer looking for something that Sapphire could wear when she's asleep. I find a light red T-shirt and some gray gym shorts and give them to Sapphire. "Thanks." Sapphire said while she took the T-shirt & gym shorts and went to look for the bathroom to change. I start to doze off of how beautiful and cute Sapphire was, I couldn't help myself, I was blushing madly. Then, I snapped myself back into reality and growled quietly to myself. "I got to keep it together and not go crazy again.."

Sapphire's POV

I come out of the bathroom with the red T-shirt and grey shorts that Ruby gave me, I hug myself because of how comfy the clothes felt on me. Sure, It's not my size but it feels so.... Soft. Suddenly, I hear Ruby talking to herself then I slowly walk towards her room and see Ruby looking at herself in a mirror. I was just about to say Ruby's name, but then Ruby yelled and growled gripping her head yelling, "I have to keep it controlled, or else I might do something that I might regret!.." I felt very worried for her, so I hid by the bedroom door. "She's probably talking about her Werewolf powers.." I said sighing. I then walk in the room, then Ruby saw me. "Oh, hey Saffy.." She said while smiling a bit. "Hey Ruby" I say smiling back. "Ready for bed?" I asked. Ruby yawned "Sure am.." Ruby said tiredly. I slightly giggle at Ruby tiredness causing Ruby to blush a little. I got in bed then Ruby on the bed with me. I felt a bit cold then I huddle up close to Ruby. Ruby notices that I was cold and she snuggles close to me making sure I warm. "Goodnight Ruby.." I say smiling softly. "Goodnight Saffy..." Ruby said. Then, I started drifting off to sleep, closing my one eye, and feeling the wonderful warmth from Ruby. I blushed lightly falling asleep.

Ruby's POV

Once I felt Sapphire's head bump on to my chest, it made me blush like crazy! A short minute later, I began to calm down. Sapphire looked so cute while she was sleeping, It makes me feel some kind of.... Way. I shake off the feeling and wrap my arms against Sapphire's chest holding her close. "Sapphire's mine..." I look down at Sapphire "..If anyone touches you, even if it's a strand of your beautiful blue hair, I shall punish them.." I muttered before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Sorry for not continuing the story, I have a bunch of problems in life that I need to fix, luckily, next week is spring break! So, Do you think Ruby's gonna turn to a Yandere? What do you think Ruby's gonna do to Sapphire? Keep her as her only treasure? Protect her? Tell me in the comments below!

Stay sweet!! Bye!


A Werewolf Girlfriend? Werewolf Ruby x SapphireWhere stories live. Discover now