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Hi Wattpadists, my name is ReaderFromWR, the Chapter Master of Blood Ravens, tomorrow, Mario and Meggy is leaving for a honeymoon at Isle Defino, so I will be at their house guarding it, as you can see, (shifted the camera to Mario and Meggy who were packing their stuff) they are packing it, getting ready for their honeymoon, also, this is my first Wattpad story, what could go wrong, my job is to housekeep for 3 weeks until they come back.

Mario: Get in there you load of crap.

Urm, Mario, anything wrong?

Mario: Yep, this. (Shows a load of spaghetti)

(Face palm) Mario, you cannot bring those food, there will be food in your destination.

Mario: Nooooo, I bought them today, I will eat them before they get spoilt.

Mario, let me have them.

Mario: These are my food!

Meggy: Mario, Reader is right, we cannot afford you bringing spaghetti in airport, we know you liked them.

And Mario, I last checked there is spaghetti in Isle Defino, you will like it.

Mario: (Gasp) YEEEEEAAAAAH, ok, you can have my spaghetti! (Dumps out the load of spaghetti)

Well, how will I finish a large portion of spaghetti, maybe you can have the half of this portion then.

Mario: Okay. (Pack the half of the large portion of spaghetti)

Meggy: Are we ready?

Mario: Yeah!

Mario, Meggy, let me drive you there.

Meggy: Thanks, Reader, you are so kind.

(Mario, Meggy and I boarded the widowmaker and drove to the airport)

And after I send them to the airport, my POV will be changed to Wattpadist's view like you are watching now.

ReaderFromWR the HousekeeperDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora