Chapter 2: Mephiles Seeks Redemption

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Door knocks, ReaderFromWR opens it, a familiar green cat with crystal blue eyes.

Angelina: Hi Reader!

ReaderFromWR: Hi Angelina!

Angelina: Wow, Meggy's house is beautiful.

Just then, Thor and Keara started barking at her, startling her.

ReaderFromWR: Thor, Keara, no barking today, this is my friends Angelina Jeveret.

They immediately stopped barking.

ReaderFromWR: Sorry about that.

Angelina: Why do you want me to come to your house?

ReaderFromWR: They are on honeymoon, I have to guard the house, plus also keep it clean.

Angelina: Oh okay, I can hangout with you in the house.

A door knock happened and Angelina opened it, showing a crystalline hedgehog.

Mephiles: I need help.

ReaderFromWR: Go away you puny baddie!

Mephiles: My "friends" would never be friends with me, I need help to get my "friends" back.

ReaderFromWR : NO!!! [dr robotnik voice] I ain't gonna help my nemesis!

Mephiles: I know, please, once.


Mephiles: You sure?

Angelina did the same thing as Mario in "2018 SMG4 christmas special"

Angelina: Nobody cares.

Mephiles: Hey! You cannot do this to a deity!

Angelina: Nobody cares.

Mephiles: Are you answering me or not!

ReaderFromWR: No one is gonna be friends with you.

Angelina: Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares, NOBODY CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARES.

The way she screamed was deafening.

Mephiles: M'kay, fine, I don't need your help, I DON'T NEED ALLIES! (Walks out of the house)

ReaderFromWR: That will be the lesson for you.

Meicoomon then came to Angelina, curious about a green humanoid cat.

Angelina: Do I know this orange cat?

ReaderFromWR: That cat first appeared in one of my question, he belongs to Meggy.

Angelina: Ha, that one, he's cute, right?

ReaderFromWR: Of course.

Angelina: What shall we do?

ReaderFromWR: Watch TV like news.

Angelina: Good idea, I did loved to see any events.

They all sat on the couch and watch the news.

The first news was about Eggman the Candy Thief.

Cop 1: Don't run away from me!

Cop 2: You stole candies in every store!

Eggman: Not if I have the crusher! (Released the Electric Fan)

Cop 3: No, not this robot!

Electric Fan being jumping around crushing every cop cars he see.

Eggman: That will make me a perfect pet!

ReaderFromWR the HousekeeperDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora