Chapter 7: ReaderFromWR vs. Beerus

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7:15 a.m.

ReaderFromWR: That was a long hangout!

Angelina: Yeah.

Aria: Reader have spend 14 hours in any rail-coaster arcade machines.

ReaderFromWR: I like arcades with guns.

A door knock.

ReaderFromWR: Coming! (Walks to the door and open it)

Blood Raven: My lord, the purple cat who proclaim he is a God of Destruction, wants to see you.

ReaderFromWR: God of Destruction, huh?!

Blood Raven: He finds your future self a threat to everything.

ReaderFromWR: Future self of me? Well, my future self did killed Aqua in 50 years later! What does he means I am a threat to all?!

Blood Raven: He says that you shall be erased from existance, so the future can be better.

ReaderFromWR: Who is he?

Blood Raven: Beerus.

ReaderFromWR: Beerus? Huh?! Weird name.

Blood Raven: My lord, I have weapons you ordered, my brothers! Bring the crate out!

Blood Raven 2 & 3: Okie dokie! (Carry the crate and put them on the pathway)

ReaderFromWR: (opens the crate, the Meltable Splattershot of Certainly Death, Greenish Annihilative Splatling Arachnid, Splat Charger of Ruined, Splat Roller of Eternity Furious, Holy Hand Grenade Launcher, and a enhanced version of Power Glove) Yes, the enhanced and advanced weapons, Meltable Splattershot of Certainly Death will be for Onyxking67, a stronger version of Melting Splattershot of Certain Death, the Melta Gun attack range is longer, the bayonet sword is replaced by bayonet Chainsword, Greenish Annihilative Splatling Arachnid will be for Alex Spider, super version of Green Annihilating Gatling Spider, the attack is much more penetrative, always in heat and longer range, but needs to cool down if used too long, Splat Roller of Eternity Furious will be for Clauds, ultimate version of Splat Roller of Eternal Fury, it has a built-in triple Heavy Bolters on each sides, it can emit ice, Splat Charger of Ruined will be for Aria, a powerful version of Splat Charger of Ruins, a larger radius, leaving the spot in flames.

Aria: Was that really for me?

ReaderFromWR: Yeah. (Pass the Splat Charger of Ruined to her)

Aria: Reader, thank you! (Jumped on him and make out with him)

ReaderFromWR: (kisses her back)

Blood Raven 1: My lord have an Octoling girlfriend!

Blood Ravens: Hail my lord and Aria!

ReaderFromWR: Thank you, Blood Ravens, I appreciate that.

Lil' Reader: Daddy, why are you with Miss Neptuna?

ReaderFromWR: Urrrrrm......

Blood Raven 4: (approached to Lil' Reader) Hail my lord!

ReaderFromWR, Angelina and Aria: Huh?!

Blood Ravens: Hail my lord!

ReaderFromWR (thoughts): Strange, my army bowed down to the little one?

Lil' Reader: Blood Ravens! My grandfather's army!

ReaderFromWR (thoughts): What in the world?! His grandfather? This is getting strange...

ReaderFromWR: Little one, these army was once belonged to my grandfather, but now it is mine.

Lil' Reader: Daddy, I was chosen to lead the Blood Ravens.

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