Chapter 1: Hollow

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Sebastian's POV

It was still early to get started on anything for the day. The day would be routine as it usually is. Starting with breakfast in the dining hall, then a few lessons on our family's history and lineage, followed by our daily piano practice, physical activity, and then fool around between the last two course meals of the day. You could say we had a charmed life. I mean, what do you expect when you're princes of an important family, and everyone expects you to carry on your family legacy? Still, I believed there was something more for us than just learning what we already know and walking down a path already set for us, and we have to do it for the sake of our family.

I guess my favorite part of the day is our piano practice, the only time where me and my brothers actually smile genuinely while doing something we're supposed to do. It's usually classical pieces and sometimes if we're lucky we can mix it up to songs that have lyrics. Sometimes, I wonder what it might be like to play a different instrument, though. I feel like I have enough potential to try something new and if I ever got the chance, I could even influence others to create a passion in music that gives them a sense of freedom and lets them know there's much more to their lives than just what they were designed to be by their family.

As our servant, Elsie, who has been with us since Emerson was an infant, knocked on the door to beckon me to breakfast, I was about to go to the bathroom to freshen up when I found a note under the door. It turned out to be another love note from one of the socialite girls whose parents know our parents, and they wanted to be my girlfriend. Now, I'm not one to reject a girl automatically because I'm a douche, but most of these girls are too high-maintenance and shallow for me to take seriously and I don't want to break any hearts, especially mine.

So, I ignored it, went to get ready for the day, and went downstairs to join the rest of my family in the dining hall. Emerson, of course, is late but that's normal because we worships sleep like it's a religion.

Remington's POV

As we got seated and waited for our breakfast to be served, I counted how many minutes it would take for Emerson to finally join us. If it were up to him, he would probably never get out of bed. Then again, most of wish we can, but our father would be upset and think we were defying him and his wishes for us. Most days I wish he would just focus on anything else since his job in the family is to make sure we do what he wants, but never really asks what we want. That's probably why I don't really know what I want, or I'm too scared to realize what it is to tell him.

Our mother, though, us probably the only one who actually listens to us and makes sure whatever we do, we're happy and don't feel alone. She is honestly an angel, and probably the only reasons I haven't started anything bad. Yet. I'm able to respect our family's wishes for so long because I love them and wouldn't want to cause trouble for my brothers, but I feel like someday I'm going to explode or something and I won't take anyone's shit anymore.

"So, Remington", our mother asked bringing me back to my thoughts, "how has school been treating you?" "Fine, I guess", I answered. I just started my second year of high school, and was already getting straight A's in my classes. "My teachers said they would recommend me to the top universities if I keep up the good work." "That's excellent", our father interjected, "As long as you keep following rules and stay out of trouble, you have a secure future ahead of you." Yeah, I guess my father was right. The only thing was I didn't know what I'd be doing in my "secure" future.

Emerson finally joined us, and we just sat in silence with a few small topics to talk about as we waited for another regular day to pass.

Emerson's POV

As I watched myself go through another day of doing things for the satisfaction of our father, I wondered about the things we don't usually learn, if there's more than just daily routines that we as princes are expected to do rather than we can do. At least our mother did her best to make sure I didn't stray too far. I'd hate to make her believe I wasn't listening or she didn't try hard enough because she really does. I guess it's the price of being the youngest of the family, thinking you could do more when your brothers seem to have done everything. I still love them, though.

We finally got to my favorite part of the day, which was piano practice. We had one grand piano, and it was gorgeous and always finely-tuned. I loved the sound it makes when I press the keys. But whenever I play the notes in a specific pattern that makes it sound divine, it creates a feeling in my heart that is so serene and peaceful that I could spend the rest of my life playing the piano just to keep this feeling for as long as I can.

Me and my brothers started our piano lessons when Sebastian was 6, Remington was 4, and I was 2. I was a little scared to start since I was so young, but our mother believed we needed something that we could enjoy and build a sense of creativity in ourselves. The first month was obviously hard, but when we started to enjoy it, it became easier to get better with practice. Now we can play the notes flawlessly without even having to look at the keyboard. It's the one thing we all actually enjoy: making music.

The rest of the day, I decided to read some books and listen to some old vinyls. If there were vinyls that had music other than classical or opera, I'd definitely wear them out. But my favorites are Edith Piaf's songs because her voice in them is strong and passionate, and inspires me to strive for more out of life, and never settle for less. As the day ended and we got into bed, I hoped in my heart that something, anything, might change the course of our lives and what we were expected to do with it. I honestly didn't expect it to happen so soon.

THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! This is the 1st chapter of a prequel I made to my original fanfiction story "Warhol"  which surprisingly became very popular. It inspired me to make a separate story about the boys start in music and their inspiration to become who they are today. I hope you all like this story, and will try to be as patient as you can since I have school again and writing between 3 characters' perspectives is challenging. Thank you again and I love the Royal Council!!! 💗💗💗

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