Chapter 7: Can't Stop The Rain

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Emerson's POV

As my brothers noticed what was wrong with me, I promised that I would get help. The only problem was I didn't know how. I cut off all ties with the boys who gave me the drugs, and I felt good that I did. I wish I knew the side effects of withdrawal because it was like hell inside of my head and parts of my body. Some nights I wanted to smash my head in, but my brothers helped me calm down. The shaking of my hands were probably the worst, because I didn't know how to make it stop sometimes. The teetering temptation to take in the drugs again were a constant battle in my head, but I try to overcome it by thinking of my brothers, my mom, and our fans. It didn't stop it most times, but it did helped to ease the pain a little better.

One day, I was walking around the kingdom, and I noticed a building that has such beautiful architectural design. I wasn't sure why that day, but it enticed me to take a look inside of the building. When I walked through the front doors, I believed for a minute I had gone to heaven. There were beautiful paintings hung all around, and sculptures that captivated the beauty of the human body and soul. It was one of the most divine moments of my life. Then, I stopped at a beautiful painting of a woman with long black hair and a mysterious smile. I wonder what this painting was called and who painted it. "It's the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci", I heard a voice respond to the question in my head.

I turned to see the most beautiful girl in my life. A short, statuesque girl with long, black flowing hair and baby blue eyes and full red lips. She had the most beautiful smile in all creation and I never wanted more to be with someone so unique and rare. "That's what you wanted to know, right? About the painting?", she continued, breaking out of my spell. "Uh, yeah", I said a bit embarrassed. "It's just so amazing and detailed. He must have spent a lot of time to make her so perfect." She then walked a litter closer to me, making me a little nervous. "Well, as perfect as she may seem, she still has flaws," she said while looking at the painting. "But, I thought flaws are what make us seem damaged or broken," I responded thinking of my past mistakes. "That's where you're wrong," she stated to my surprise. I turned to her and asked in confusion, "what do you mean?" She then to me and smiled as she looked into my eyes and replied, "Because without our flaws, we wouldn't be able to detect the beauty from within us." As I looked into her captivating eyes, I realized I was in love and would never let her go. "I'm Shy," she introduced herself. "I'm Emerson", I said with a goofy smile that made her smile back.

Sebastian's POV

Our songs and lyrics never felt more raw or realistic in the entirety of us performing music, and we never felt more proud to finally release our real thoughts and emotions. My brothers finally started to seem happy with what they were doing and so was I. As we started to create a new style in our music, we also created a new style in our clothing. We abandoned the goody two-shoes outfits that the court approved and made our own fashion statements because we wanted our style to reflect our music. Emerson adopted a sort of style with boots and and ripped shirts and even a hat he designed himself to resemble a sort of pirate look. Remington really got into past kingdoms that had unique rock bands, specifically a legendary kingdom called My Chemical Romance. He wore these crazy colored shirts and almost wore red in every outfit he had. He even gave up his flat hair to adapt a new hairstyle with the top of his hair sticking up while the rest of it lay flat on the side of his hair. I'm not sure why, but with his pale skin and dark vibe, he looked like a vampire to me.

As for me, I got hugely inspired by a small rock band called the Beatles, and I was always fascinated by their matching hairstyle. So, I cut my short a styled it so that it could resemble their style a little, but at the same time make it my own. I also really starts getting into suits and jackets. I liked how it made me look professional and it made me feel slightly empowered. When I tried on my first outfit and showed my now girlfriend Larisa, she blushed and said I looked like the most handsome gentleman she's ever seen. I smirked and pulled her close for a deep, passionate kiss. She giggled a little as she kissed me back, tugging at my coat. We stopped when someone coughed and warned us, "please do not ruin the merchandise." We pulled away with our faces red with embarrassment and desire.

It seemed like our father tolerated enough of our changes and transformations. That is, until we told him and our mother we decided to drop out of school to pursue music full-time.

Remington's POV

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND!?!?!" The fury in his voice made us realize even our mother wouldn't be able to save us this time. I wasn't so sure she would even support this decision we made, despite all the things she's helped us with in our lives as musicians. "I've tolerated a lot of things just to keep you satisfied with your lifestyle. But, this is where I draw the line." He looked at each of us as he fumed his frustration. "How do you expect to lead a kingdom with no education? Or be able to do anything without an education?" He then faced Sebastian. "How could you be okay with this? You're supposed to be a shining example to your brothers! After all, you'll be the one to lead the kingdom someday and become a great king like me." Sebastian then looked straight into our father's eyes, and spoke in a serious and defensive tone.

"Father, if I was trying to be a good example to my brothers, all I wanted to show them the benefits of being a decent human being and to never become someone like you." Our father took a step back at Seb's words. Me and Emerson were just shocked that Seb finally spoke back at our father. "There are people who would need an education to guarantee them a secure, comfortable living. But, we're different. We don't need a diploma or degree to be able to do what we love. We just need our music and our passion to make a name for ourselves. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but I believe I was meant to do something bigger than sit on a throne all day and give out orders. This makes me happy, and if it makes my brothers happy, then the risk is worth losing my credibility in the royal court."

Our mother started crying, and to our father's surprise and ours, she hugged Sebastian and held him so tight, I was afraid he might suffocate. She hugged me and Emerson as well, and then turned to her husband. "You might not agree with their choices in life, but I have believed in these boys since the day they were born and I knew that they would had a special talent that would make them happy and  bring serenity to their soul. No matter where they go in their life or how they go about it, they will never lose my faith and support, because they bring me love and remind me what I was put on this Earth for. If I can't convince you to see otherwise, then I will stand by my sons." I was downright sobbing by that point, and my mother held me tight.

For a single moment, I had a surge of hope that our father would see the light and realize our happiness is more important than anything. But all we got from him was, "I'm sorry, but I will not stand here to see three boys I raised and groomed to become failures of themselves just because they didn't want to follow carefully laid-out path I carved especially for them." Little did we know that was the time we ever saw him in our lives.

😢😢😢 Can't win them all. When I read that their own father didn't support their choices to be who they are today, it broke my heart and made me respect them a lot more than I did before. Their mom is a freaking hero, and I love her for just being there for them. Sorry if this chapter was a little emotional for you, but I promise with all my heart it will get better. 😊😊😊

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