Chapter 9: Wasteland (Conclusion)

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Sebastian's POV

These past few months have made me and my brothers realize that what we're doing as a band goes way beyond our role in this kingdom, and we've been talking for a while now. We decided to make a brand new start and create a new kingdom somewhere else where people would come to just be themselves and spread love and positivity like we never got growing up, but believe everyone should. We'd have to choose someone to rule this kingdom for us, who would take care of the kingdom for us and hopefully be better than our father. It was a bit difficult to choose who we would want as our successor, but then we decided on a group of five boys named Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam who loved to sing too and seemed like they would hold the kingdom steady for a while.

After we declared to the kingdom who they were getting as rulers, we let them know that the new kingdom we would create will be inviting to all and that we would set a beater example for our subjects and hopefully create a new generation of artists and thinkers. The majority of the population were disappointed in our decision to move on, but many of the youths were excited and proud that we wanted to be better than before. Sometimes, I felt like we didn't deserve our beautiful fans. They have no idea what we had to endure to be what we are now.

As much as it pained our mother to leave her only home, she was joyful when we told her we wanted her to come with us and rule as the queen of our kingdom and become a mother of the new subjects. She told us she was so proud that we've grown up into the men she knew we'd become, and no matter what, she would never leave our side. We were so excited to see how she'd be with the young subjects. We then asked our girlfriends if they'd come with us. When I asked Larisa, I told her she'd be the official and most important hairdresser of the kingdom and people would come from everywhere to step into her shop. She cried when I told her that and told me she loved me. I held her so tight, I was afraid to let go.

We found a few friends who wished to assist us in our mission as a new kingdom. They included a young, Hispanic boy who was a master with cameras and wanted to document our life as Palaye Royale for our fans to enjoy and love. Emerson invited our close friend, Michael Bolten to help him continue making his film which he believed would take long to create and perfect. Lastly, we asked a few crew members we loved named Jason, Ryan, and Austin who would help us behind the scenes and manage things for us if we ever needed help.

We packed lightly because we wanted to make a fresh start, but I think Emerson brought the most shit with his art supplies. Besides that, we brought our instruments and parting gifts a lot of our fans gave us when we saw the one last time in the kingdom after a show. One devoted fan that I remembered named Tori, told us she was so excited to join us in our new kingdom. We were so grateful to have someone love us enough to support the message we hope to spread to people like her with kind hearts and pure souls. Our driver, Kellin, gave us one last ride as we searched for a new land to rule as other devoted fans followed us in their own mode of transportation.

Remington's POV

This journey we took to find a place in the world to make our new kingdom was probably the hardest and longest trek we might have ever taken in our lives. I was surprised none of our fans complained or gave up. When I saw one of our followers pass out, a bunch of other kids rushed to their side and made sure they were okay. I'm not going to lie, it made me cry like a fucking baby. I didn't realize these people were so caring and concerned about everyone's well-being instead of just ours. If only Monica were here to see this, but she told me her heart belonged back there, so I respected her decision. I hope she finds happiness eventually.

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