Chapter 8: Who We Really Are

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*time skip to 3 years later*

Remington's POV

Since our father left our family and the kingdom, it was left in the hands of us and our mother. I feel even more messed up than I did before we started playing music at all. But, we finally got our start as our newest band, even changed the name of our band. We took a little trip in a part of our kingdom that we've never been to, but our mother said we needed to see it. We ended up at some kind of abandoned hall that seemed to be elegant and high-profile. Our mother told us that this place was once one of the most exquisite dance halls of the kingdom, and it was a place where people would gather to dance and a have a good time. She told us about a young couple who met at this dance hall, and started a family. She revealed the name of the place to be the Palais Royale and that the couple who met here were our grandparents.

We were so blown away by the fact that music brought our grandparents together that we changed the named of our band to this sacred hall, with a little alteration in the spelling, and named it Palaye Royale. We released our very first song, Morning Light, as the new band, and while not everyone was impressed, a few of our devoted fans as well as some new ones including some sweet souls named Rashel, Ray, Rayne, and Gem, said they loved this new sound we created and couldn't wait to hear more of what we came up with. That made us smile, and helped us realized we were doing something right. A little while later we released our first set of songs called "The Ends Beginning" and more people loved it, and some even started asking us to play for them.

One day as I checked out a venue I was given an address for, I think the guy gave me the wrong address on purpose because it ended up becoming a place for fashion shoots. I was starting to get pushed around, even by the models. I took it well, until I noticed in the corner of my eye some creep harassing a girl with sandy tan hair and hazel eyes who was wearing a two-piece. He was about to touch her ass, and she didn't look like she enjoyed his company. I got pissed at his gall that I ran and punched the guy until he fell to the floor. He started hitting me back, and I missed a few punches and didn't stop. "ASSHOLE! Didn't your mom teach you better than to treat women like toys!?!", I screamed. He just screamed back while trying to choke me, "SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU STUPID EMO BOY!!!" Eventually, I got kicked out by security, and thankfully no one recognized who I was.

I noticed that the creep left the girls alone and walked out, too. It may have been in my head, but I could have sworn that the pretty girl I defended was staring at me with wide eyes and then smiling at me with gratitude and desire. I turned away so she wouldn't see the blush that was obvious on my face.

Emerson's POV

As we progressed a little as the new band, Palaye Royale, I have also found a way to heal my mind from all the toxicity that I infected myself with years ago. I became obsessed with art and philosophy and before I knew it, I started drawing all over bathroom and spare rooms in our castle when paper didn't seem to have the space needed for my thoughts and emotions expressed in my own artistic unique style. My brothers started to notice this habit, and were impressed of my talent and newly-obtained knowledge. I was surprised they would support this new aspect of my life, because I knew this would stick for the rest of my life. I wasn't sure how to explain it, but my mind seemed to be calmer and less disturbed whenever I created, and I was planning to keep doing this as long as I could feel this peace and serenity.

The girl that I met at the museum that day, Shy, is now taking classes at a university and takes modeling jobs to pay for her classes. I offered to help out, but she said she wants to owe no one nothing. And, that she's proud of what me and my brothers have accomplished lately. I swear I fall more and more in love with her everyday. I was currently working on a short film with a new friend I made who's like a magician with film. A funny story is when I finally asked out Shy, I had to cancel our first date while working on my film. I was afraid she might never want to see me again, but she surprised me by giving me my first kiss the very next day. The feeling I got in my heart when we embraced was unlike anything I could ever feel when I was creating. After our kiss, she told me she loved me since the moment we met, and that no matter what, she would stay with me to support me and be there for me whenever I needed her. I told her I loved her, and I kissed her again more passionately.

Sebastian's POV

We made a decision to abandon our last name, Kropp, and make our middle names our surnames. We didn't want to look back on our past as an unworthy boy band and we wanted nothing to do with anything that reminded us of our father. We were proud of what we were doing, and I felt proud that we could finally be ourselves throughout our music and our style. A lot of awesome fans were praising us on the way we expressed our music, and most of them even said our music saved their lives. That made us start to realize that what we were doing went way beyond our title as princes and sons to a king and queen. Their love kept us going, even when there were times that seemed like everybody hated us just for being ourselves.

Things started looking up when Remington told us that someone from a famous fashion company wanted us to perform for their seasonal fashion show. This was the perfect opportunity to debut some our new songs from our new record "Boom Boom Room". We rehearsed like we never did before, and Emerson was excited because someone special to him would see us there. My girlfriend Larisa was excited to attend a fashion show to see us since it's always been her dream to be a hair stylist. The way her hair looks so pretty every time I see her tells me she would be perfect for the job. When we got to the fashion show, it was packed with people a little outside of our league, which made me a little nervous. But, then Remington decided to be unpredictable and wear a dress while performing.

We performed some of our new songs like "Don't Feel Quite Right", "My Youth Generation", "Mr. Doctor Man", and to finish the show off, "How Do You Do?" Despite the fact that Remington was wearing a dress throughout the show, the audience loved it and even shouted our name. After the show, we met with some fans and then I noticed one of the models from the show asked Remington to speak with her. I guess I was being nosy, but hey, you're overprotective as the oldest sibling. They went back inside the building and she had this smile on her face that made her seem she was having the time of her life with Remington.

"I'm really glad you got to play at our show. It wasn't easy convincing my boss to book you guys to be here, but I told him he wouldn't regret it, and he didn't." Wait. So, she's how we were able to play here? A woman I've never even met? Then, I heard Remington speak, "Well, it was certainly worth your effort. We couldn't be more grateful for being able to do this. I guess my only question is: why did you do this for us?" She seemed to blush when he asked that. She responded, "I guess I wanted to thank you for defending my honor the other day. But, I don't feel like doing that is enough." Rem got a confused look on his face. "Well, then what do you consider to be enough for what I did?"

Just as he finished that sentence, she leans in close to kiss him right on the lips. My face flushed as I saw my younger brother being kissed by a beautiful girl who must have been saved by him somehow and fallen for him. Larisa joined me and we both stood in shock of what was happening. His face was frozen with surprise, then he gave in and held her waist. She pulled away and they looked into each other's eyes for what must have been forever for them, then she said quietly, "that." He smiled and told her, "yeah, that might be good enough for both of us." They both chuckled, and she said with her cheeks flushed, "I'm Monica, in case you wanted to know the name of the damsel in distress you saved." I decided to leave them to let them have their tender moment as I felt proud of the honorable men my brothers have grown into.

😍😍😍 OMG!!! This made me fangirl so much, and I'm sure it will to others who read this. I promised you it would get better, didn't I? Well, we're close to the conclusion of this story and maybe there'll be an epilogue as well. Stay tuned... 🤗🤗🤗

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