Chapter 4: Invisible

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Remington's POV

Apparently, someone told our father about our first performance as a band last night, and he was obviously upset about it. He told us he would speak with us after school. I was dreading the whole day what he might do to us or worse, our mother. I didn't want her to take the fall because she didn't deserve it. We were all responsible and should have probably thought better. The only way I was able to calm.myself down was remembering how I felt when I stepped on that stage, the rush of adrenaline running through my veins and then when I started singing, how happy people became and I reflected their smiles. I couldn't stop smiling after that and wished I could keep singing forever.

Before we got home, we agreed to take the blame for our mother in case our father wouldn't see reason. When we stepped though the front doors,we saw our parents in the master room, and they were sitting on a couch next to each other. Our father asked us to sit in the couch across from them. I looked at my brothers and we took a deep breath as we all sat in the couch across from our parents, a table the only thing between us. All of a sudden, Emerson spoke out, "father, please, we didn't want-". Our mother cut him off, "Emerson, please listen to what your father has to say first. We were surprised our mother interrupted him in father's defense. Then, Emerson said with his his down, "Yes, Mother. I'm sorry." Then our father spoke.

"So, as you might have known, I learned from an unlikely resource that you boys had the gall to form some kind of music band and perform in front of juvenile individuals. I don't know what made you think this would be good for your status as proper princes and successor to the throne", he looked at Sebastian with that last part. "I wish you boys were smarter to realize how embarrassing this might be to your regal peers for yourselves and your family." Then, he turned to our mother, and then back to us before he spoke again. "However, you mother told me everything and how as much as you boys can enjoy this that you also can create some praise for us. So, we talked and I decided to let you keep your band." We all looked up with hope and expectancy. "But, if you still want to keep doing this and make us happy, you must only sing the songs everyone want to hear, and keep your voice as it is, Remington."

Then, our father stood up, and stuck out his hand. "Do we have a deal?" Sebastian looked at me, then at Emerson and our mother. Finally, he stood up and shook Father's hand and replied in a serious tone while wearing a grin, "We have a deal."

*Time skip to a few years later*

Sebastian's POV

After a few years of performing and and just making so many people happy with our music and our presence, we never felt this happy in probably our whole lives. I found a new love for the guitar, and would never want to let it go. Remington seems to enjoy the stage like it's his second home. He finds new ways to make the audience happy and is determined to give it his best at every show. Emerson learned a few more instruments like the tambourine, the xylophone, and a few other to give the band the rhythm it needs. We played almost everywhere in the kingdom and fans were so happy to see us. The songs we made were mostly filtered by our father's royal lyricists, so sometimes our songs didn't exactly express how we really felt, but it made others happy when they heard them.

The perks of having this small band were good when it started out, though. Don't get me wrong, I feel like we're finally doing something valuable that we can enjoy, and making our fans brings me so much joy in my heart. Only, I feel like we could give them more. I feel like we're burning out too fast, and this fame came too easily for us because we were of important status. I understand our mother helped us to be able to do this with our father's blessing, but I think we're capable of doing so much more. I just didn't know what it was. Not yet.

After one of our shows one night, these two kids named Katie and Molly invited us to go to a concert for a band we never heard of called the Black Crowes. We'd never want to miss a chance to enjoy live music, so we accepted their invitations. We like to get inspired sometimes by other music bands of then and now. Remington has been getting slightly obsessed with a band from another kingdom called My Chemical Romance, and won't stop talking about their king and lead singer, Gerard Way.

When we got to the concert, we joined our friends, and then we waited for about fifteen minutes to about half an hour before the show started. The men who I took as members of the band gathered their instrument and set up the stage. What happened when they started playing their songs was so.a thing I don't think any of us will ever forget.

Emerson's POV

I swear to God, I never seen anything like what we just witnessed. The guys we just saw perform just transformed our lives forever. The energy, the power, and the style altogether was something unforgettable, and I didn't realize we were missing something in our music outlet until now. The way the audience reacted to Black Crowes was something amazing to see because they seemed to love them beyond a general level, and just respected and appreciated them for what they give to their audience. We couldn't stop talking about their performance to our friends, and they were just eating it up. I feel like Remington was the most excited about the show, and he even started singing the songs from tonight in a completely different way than he ever did. It was more raw and unique, and fit the style of rock n' roll. We were genuinely amazed by how incredible it was, and he looked at us like he had no idea what he's done.

When we got back home, he started singing a little more like he did from earlier with some old songs from other rock n' roll bands, and he just got better and better. My favorite was when he sang a song called "World Behind My Wall" by Tokio Hotel, and we all joined along, and it was incredible. Sebastian looked so proud of him, and I started to believe we could create new songs that would fit his style of singing. We were about to get to work, when our father walked in, and didn't look too happy. "I'm sorry, Remington", he said to him. "But the way you're singing is just not appropriate for our status and band. You should just stick to how you're already singing, so you don't lose your fans or your respect from your royal peers." Remington tried to argue back, "But, father-" "End of discussion", our father cut him off, and then left without hesitation.

The look on Remington's face hurt me more than it may have hurt him. Sebastian was just upset and disappointed, but didn't want to make it any worse in an understandable way. But, I started to feel a sort of hatred toward my father like I never did before in my life. He never supported us in anything we wanted to do, because he never let us do what made us happy. I started to wish he never existed, but then that would mean we wouldn't exist. I was starting to feel something grow and take over in my mind, and I was afraid I might  doing something I'll regret.

😳😳😳 This chapter took a little longer to write because I had to watch videos of The Black Crowes live in concert to understand how they influenced the boys to manifest in rock n' roll. It was AWESOME!!! Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and I'd love to hear what you think of the story so far. I love you all!!! 💗💗💗

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