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Fangtom: Can someone help me?

Skalidor: With what?

Fangtom: Some members of my Tribe are fighting.

Fangtom: And I cant control it. :/

Skalidor: Ask Acidicus or Skales.

Skalidor: Or ask Python.

Fangtom: .....I'm not asking Python. :/

Skalidor: Why not?

Fangtom: Because reasons, stupid!

-Acidicus has joined the chat-
-Skales has joined the chat-

Acidicus: Fuggin Venomari fucks.

Skalidor: Isn't That What you are?

Acidicus: .....

Acidicus: GOD! DAMN IT!

Acidicus: I hate myself.

Acidicus: It's my Tribe, not me, it's them. Dey fitein.

Skales: Do y'all know that I kinda um.....

Skales: Fangtom knows.

Fangtom: O ya!

Skales: Also, I have a plan in mind.

Acidicus: Like what?

Skales: We break into the Ninja's group chat and spam as unknown numbers.

Skalidor: Ok. LETS START!

Skales: Not yet, you idiot.

Skales: We have to wait until their phones are unguarded.

Fangtom: How is that going to happen?

Skales: We create a distraction.

Skales: Send a few members of each Tribe in to create something that will require their aid.

Skales: Then, we break in and spam.

Acidicus: Holy shit, that's a good plan.

Skales: It is.

Skales: But the distraction has to be a little complex.

Fangtom: Why?

Skales: So it takes more steps to resolve?

Skales: And so we have more time?

Acidicus: Also talking in Spanish out loud was probably.....

Skales: A bad idea.....

Acidicus: Ya.....

Skalidor: What do we do now?

Skalidor: I mean, we need to get some revenge!

Skales: I. Just. Put. A. Plan. In. This. Fucking. CHAT!

Skales: Are you fucking stupid?!

Skalidor: (._.)

Skalidor: No.....

Skales: Ok then.

Skales: Let is put it into action!

-Skales has left the chat-
-Acidicus has left the chat-
-Fangtom has left the chat-
-Skalidor has left the chat-

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