Skales And The Cult

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Skales: Rise my cult. RISE!

Acidicus: We have risen, our Lord.

Fangtom: Is this some type of religious thing?

Skales: This is a cult.

Skales: You either call me your King or your Lord.

Fangtom: I am sorry, my Lord.

Skales: Better.

Mezmo: All hail the Lord.

Lizaru: Praise the almighty Lord.

Fangdam: Kneel before the Lord.

Slithraa: Forgive me. For I have sinned, my Lord.

Skales: What did you do?

Slithraa: I made Python angry.

Skales: You will be rewarded greatly.

Slithraa: Oml, I cant spell.

Skales: Same.

Spitta: Can we fuck auto correct, our Lord?

Skales: Permission granted.

Lasha: Bow down to the Lord!

Rattla: Yes, kneel before the Lord.

Skales: Praise me, my cult!

Skales: Come, we must take this meeting to our meeting area.


-Everyone has left the chat-

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