Turn Down

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Skales: Welcome to Cult 3.0. I am Skales, your Lord.

Morro: We kneel before the Lord.

Acronix: All hail the Lord!

Acidicus: Praise the almighty Lord!

Fangtom: We please the almighty Lord!

Pythor: Yes, we praise the Lord.

Skalidor: We worship the almighty Lord!

-Krux has joined the chat-

Krux: Wtf is going on in this chat?

Acronix: Brother, we are praising and worshiping our almighty Lord and savior.

Krux: Wait, isn't this the chat that Skales took over and renamed it?

Skales: You are correct peasant.

Krux: What am I even doing here?

Acronix: :3

Krux: Remove me. I can't believe that I let you talk me into this, Acronix.

Acronix: You are Welcome. >:3

Skales: Worship me or be kicked.

-Krux has left the chat-

Acronix: He's no fun anymore. >:(

Skales: Face of triggered.

Morro: OOF

Acidicus: :/

Acidicus: What now, my Lord?


Skales: I kick 50 year old bitch man.

Acronix: Please do. He's boring and not fun.

-Skales has removed Krux from the chat, for him being a bitch-

Acronix: Yo Python.

Pythor: Yes?

Acronix: Do you ever turn down?

Pythor: What?

Acronix: Ya know, turn down?

Pythor: Turn down for what?

Skales: OMG! XD

-Pythor has left the chat-
-Acronix has left the chat-
-The Serpentine have left the chat-

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