144 0 0

Skalidor: >:3

Skales: Boi wtf?

Fangtom: ?????

Acidicus: Weenis.

Skales: What the actual fuck?

Pythor: Can we please not use that language?

Acidicus: WEENIS!

Skales: 😂

Fangtom: XD

Skalidor: Acidicus. NO!

Acidicus: Yees.

Skalidor: No.

Acidicus: Yees.

Skalidor: Stop.

Acidicus: At least I have a brain.

Skales: OH MY GOD!

Skales: HOLY SHIT!


Pythor: I will leave this chat.

Pythor: We have bigger plans.

Skales: Your plans suck.

Skales: Remember the last time you made a plan?

Pythor: Yes.

Skales: You got eaten.

-Pythor has left the chat-

Skalidor: Good riddance.

Acidicus: OI!

Acidicus: Only cultured ones get to say that.

Skalidor: And I'm not cultured?

Acidicus: Correct.

Fangtom: Watch some Mokey's Show and then come back to us.

Skales: Boi. You need to become cultured.

Skalidor: At least I didn't.....

Skales: Finish that thought. I dare you.

Skalidor: I'm not going to.

Skales: Good.

Acidicus: Want to become high?

Skalidor: Acidicus, I stg if you're going to do what I'm thinking, I'm gonna choke you.

Acidicus: Titties.

Skales: XD

Fangtom: XD

Skalidor: Wtf?

Skalidor: Acidicus, stop.

Acidicus: Why should I?

Acidicus: I mean, in your wiki info thing, it does say that.....

Skalidor: Can I kill myself?

Skalidor: I am fat.

Skales: Nah.

Skales: If Someone calls you fat.

Skales: You say.

Skales: I'm not fat, I'm just THICC.

Skalidor: .....

Skalidor: Skales.

Skales: Wot?

Skalidor: What the fuck?

Acidicus: DES

Acidicus: PA

Acidicus: CITO!!!!

Fangtom: 😂

-Pythor has joined the chat-

Skales: Oh god, oh fuck.

Acidicus: ?

Skales: Python is back.

Pythor: I have came to remind you, Acidicus, via text message, that you are being too loud.

Acidicus: Boi, all I'm doing is screaming the lyrics to Despacito, and texting at the same time.

Pythor: And Skales.

Skales: ?

Pythor: As my second in command, can you please not, oh my god.

Skales: D E S P A C I T O!

-Pythor has left the chat-

Acidicus: I will come at him with a knife.

Acidicus: A STABBY knife.

Acidicus: And SHANK DAT HOE!

Skales: OMG! XD

Fangtom: XD

Skalidor: Goodbye.

Skalidor: I'm done with your chat shenanigans, Acidicus.

Acidicus: Boi, wtf? I didn't say or do anything.

-Skalidor has left the chat-

Acidicus: I'll spam him later.

Skales: I'm yeeting.

-Skales has left the chat-

Fangtom: Ima go.

Acidicus: Not if I leave first!

-Acidicus has left the chat-
-Fangtom has left the chat-

[[[author's note: this is the longest text chapter I've ever wrote, I think. But you get this, monstrosity.]]]

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