Testing, Testing. Python's Back

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Fangtom: I miss bullying Python.

Acidicus: Kinda Same.

Skales: He's our friend and all, but he takes the joke too literal.

Acidicus: Ik. It's kinda sad.

Fangtom: Can we add him back?

Skales: Ya. I told Idiot to give him a pep talk.

Acidicus: Why?

Skales: To lighten his mood! To have him realize that it's just a joke.

Fangtom: All friends do that.

Acidicus: Ya. Also, I think one of the other bad bois learned how to hack.....

Skales: I taught two of them how to.

Fangtom: Oh God, oh fuck.

-Skales has added Pythor to the chat-
-Pythor has joined the chat-


Skales: Welcome back to my cult.

Skales: Also, testing, testing, I think we are about to be hacked.

Pythor: Skales, what did you do?

Skales: Um.......

Skales: I'll explain later.....

-Skales has left the chat-

Pythor: He taught some people how to hack, didn't he?

Acidicus: Pretty much.

Fangtom: He probs taught Morro and Acronix.

Pythor: At least it's not the ones who deserve to die.

Acidicus: EXACTLY! Ima go now.

Fangtom: K, bye.

-Acidicus has left the chat-

Fangtom: Yo, Python.

Pythor: What?

Fangtom: Skales kicked Skalidor and nobody knows when he's gonna come back.

Pythor: Good riddance.

Fangtom: :O

-Fangtom has left the chat-
-Pythor has left the chat-
-Morro and Acronix have hacked into the chat-

Morro: We're in.


Acronix: REEEEEE!

-Acronix has left the chat-

Morro: .....

-Skales has joined the chat-

Skales: Welcome. Where is Acronix?

Morro: Um, he couldn't paste All-Star so he raged and left.

Skales: Ok.

-Skales has left the chat-
-Morro has left the chat-

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