Chapter One

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Here is a key...
(Y/n) or (y/n) or Y/n or y/n : Your Name (dUh)
(F/hs) : Favorite Hair Style
(F/c) : Favorite Color
(H/c) : Hair Color
(E/c) : Eye Color

You'll need this information for later... Enjoy!

After spending close to half a year learning about all types of Monsters and Magic in the underground from your goat "mother" Toriel, you decided to stir up the courage to ask her if you could go out and explore.
"Toriel? Uh, Mom?" You asked.
"Yes my dear," She said as she dried her hands from washing the dishes.
You took a deep breath, "Since I've been able to learn so much from you, I was wondering if I could go and explore!" She stopped what she was doing, "If... If that's okay with you of course..." She looked at you for a moment and sighed.
     "(Y/n) I told you, it's not safe for a human to walk around in the Underground... it's... it's dangerous..." She looked down.
You went up beside her and touched her shoulder, she looked at you, "You've taught me so much, so I am confident that I know how to survive" You smiled.
She smiled at you, but let out another sigh. She turned towards you, "If you really think you can do this (y/n) then I believe in you." You gave her a big hug and she returned it. "Let me go help you pack my child, you have a long road ahead of you" you both parted from the hug and you nodded your head,
"Thanks, Mom."
As you walked down the hallway to the gate to the end of the ruins Toriel stopped for a moment. You looked at her, "Is everything okay?" She hesitated but then looked at me.
"My child, if it's not much to ask... would... would you hold my hand as we walk?... for one last time?..." You chuckled lightly, "Of course, but it's not like I'm never going to see you ever again." Toriel's eyes started watering and she bent over to hug you, "Oh I know, but I'm already worried about you and you haven't even left!"
You smiled and hugged her back, then you began to walk towards the door, Hand in hand with her.
    As you got to the door you hugged Toriel for 'one last time' before you set off on your adventure, "I'll see you soon Mom," she hugged a little tighter and you heard a sniffle come from her, "I'll see you, my child." You parted ways and gave each other big and bright smiles.
As you gave off one more wave you placed your hair in your (F/hs) and looked forward, holding your head up high.
Now for the rest of your plan to continue. There's no need to hide anymore.
Your name is (Y/N), and you're a (+18) year old girl with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes.
You possess the (F/c) soul and you have been jumping through multiple timelines to try and find a way to have the perfect timeline...


There are a couple of steps to your plan, the first has already been completed. Now you're off to fulfill the next steps, in hopes to re-achieve your true happy ending.

Save here? Yes <3 No
Knowing this area fills you with DETERMINATION...

Continue? Yes <3 No

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