Chapter Six

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Toriel began to set up the table, as did Papyrus, Undyne, and Asgore.
     Papyrus placed down this delicious smelling spaghetti and lasagna onto the table, Undyne was carefully setting up the table for the first time, Toriel placed down different desserts in the table, and Asgore had placed different beautiful flowers onto the tabletops. You were all on the surface, and you had taught Asgore about many different flowers including (fav/flower), they looked so beautiful once they were placed onto the table.
     The remainder of the group had been waiting patiently in the living room of your home, and all made conversation. You and Sans had been talking together on the side.
     "I'm so curious to know what it is your planning sneaky-bones," you said playfully.
     Sans laughed, "i can't tell you yet, it's a surprise" you groaned.
     "Maybe just a little hint?" You tilted your head and did your best to give off a cute smile.
     Sans began to blush a bright blue, "okay fine," he said, then a wide grin climbed onto his face.
     "Okay, so what is it?" You questioned excitedly and completely faced him on the couch.
     "i..." He started, "love you" He smirked, and you facepalmed.
     "This will be the first time that I'm actually disappointed that you said that" he chuckled.
     "it will all be worth the wait (y/n)" he got closer to your face, and you blushed as he placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
     "Come, everyone! It's time to eat now" yours and everyone else's heads turned towards Toriel's voice. You saw that everyone had begun to excitedly surround the table.
     As you sat and ate dinner it seems that while everyone had been making conversation Sans had been a little quiet with a blush on his face. You ate the delicious lasagna that Papyrus had made along with your (fav/drink) on the side. As you ate you'd hum as the delicious tasting food hit your tongue. You were so happy. You couldn't have asked for a better timeline than this one, and you were so happy that everyone was happy. You looked over to Sans who had finished his meal and sat quietly, and as you took your last bite you wiped off the sauce that might've been left on your face and turned to him.
     "Hey Sans?" You started, and he froze in place. Everyone got quiet.
     As everyone turned to look at you and Sans, he seemed to have gotten nervous. With his eyes looking to the ground he stated, "jeez, no pressure guys..." he then began to sweat as he completely turned towards you, "Wait, what's going on?" You sat confused and everyone just had their gaze towards you two.
     "(Y... y/n)?" You looked back at him, "Yes Sans?"
     He took a deep breath, "I've known you for so long, and never knew that I could've grown deep feelings for someone... like I did with you."
     You blushed and smiled like an idiot.
     "In a smooth amount of time, you've been able to become my friend, my best friend, and my girlfriend..." he got up from his chair and then moved it aside.
     "But now, I see you as so much more than that..." you gasped and clasped your hands to your face as you realized what was going on. Tears began seeping out of everyone's eyes.
     "(Y/n)... Will you—" the ground shook.
     You looked around and tried to hold onto the table as it shook, your eyes widened and everyone was frightened.
     "everyone hold onto something!" He then got closer to you, "y/n what's going on?!" He whisper-yelled, "I don't know! I didn't do anything!" You were getting more and more distressed and opened up your mercy, erase, and continue buttons.
     You froze as you saw that the erase button was glowing, "Damn it! What did my siblings do now!" You screamed to yourself and you saw the floor open. You didn't fall through but all of your friends had began to fall one by one. You tried to run to grab them but it didn't work as the table was in the way, "Everyone get on!" You yelled, and the remainder of your friends began to climb onto it.
     "(y/n) why aren't you trying to stop this, what did you do!" Sans yelled as the world began to crumble around, "I... I don't know what happening, I can't stop it!" You began to tear up and sat on the table trying to find a way to do something... Anything
   "I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING (Y/N) BUT I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO!" Papyrus shouted lightly and gave you a big hug. Everyone gathered around you except for sans who stayed to the side quietly.
     When you all separated you went up to Sans then heard the table break behind you, you tried to grab onto someone... anyone's hand, but when that didn't work you ran towards Sans and held his hand through the barrier that kept only you from falling.
     "i knew i should've never made any damn promises" he stated harshly and his eyes glowed a bright blue and tears spewed through.
     "Sans! Please believe me, I don't know what's happening... please don't leave me"
      His hand started to slip and he fell through. Your head still faced down as you were angry and the world around you turned black. You looked around and screamed the loudest you've ever screamed,

     You were being shaken and your eyes jolted open, and you were facing a familiar skeleton. "(y/n)! are you okay?" You realized that there were tears beaming down your eyes and you had been crying in your sleep. You sat up, and Sans watched you carefully and took his hands off of you.
     "Yeah, I'm okay, it was... just a nightmare" you stated even though in reality that was the last memory you had of the previous timeline. Of course, you didn't tell Sans, you couldn't talk to him. He sighed and the room went silent for a moment.
     "what were you doing out there (y/n)?" He said as he turned his body away from you, and as he sat at the edge of the bed. You sighed, "What probably needed to be done, to make everything better." You sat up with your back placed on the bed frame and you turned your head away from Sans. He rubbed his skull, "Wha... what the hell does that even mean?" You turned your head, "What do you mean what do I mean? You've been acting like you don't want me here" Sans scoffed, "i've just been upset, you should know that by now..." You slapped your hands into your lap, "No, I didn't know! That's the main reason why I have been so depressed and frustrated lately!" He looked at you, "depressed?" He chuckled, "you really don't know what you've done to make me feel the ways i've felt, it's like you don't know."
     You wanted to punch him if he didn't start talking, you were going to tackle him like a football player, but you stood calm. All you wanted was answers, "Please Sans, let me know, what on Earth did I do?" He looked away and then looked at you. He adjusted himself so he would be sitting in front of you. "i don't know if you remember the timelines, but the last one was absolutely perfect... i've never been happier..." You stood silent as you thought about the flashback you had in your sleep,
     "Then it seems like you weren't happy... then you reset the timeline,"
     Your heart beat fast and then you crawled over to Sans and grabbed his shirt, you were enraged that Sans would assume you'd do something like that.
     "How many times did I prove to you that I cared about you, how many times did I have to show you that I cared about everyone!" Sans' eye didn't glow, but he did start to become nervous and flinched when you yelled. "Many times more than one I put MYSELF on the line," You yanked at his shirt more, "How many times did I have to passionately tell you that I love you!" You let him go at jumped off the bed and paced from side to side, "What in your right mind makes you think that I'd want to let all of that go!" You yelled as your back faced to Sans and you combed your hair with your hand, "How dare you assume that I would do something like that to not only you but for everyone that I love," Sans slowly got up, "I went and talked to my sibl—!" He turned you around, and opened his arm and pushed you into a hug.
     You heard sniffling coming from him, and froze. "i'm so sorry that i did this to you (y/n), i should've known better... i've just been so lost without you" you stood silent and looked at him, "i just want things to go back to how they used to be." You began to tear up a bit and slowly reached your arms around him. "We will find a way to fix this Sans..."

     "I promise"

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Making mends with Sans fills you with... DETERMINATION!

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