Chapter Five

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     You sat down on the couch in silence and didn't turn on the TV, didn't lay down, didn't do... anything. You were so sad, you couldn't handle being in so much pain that you didn't do anything at all. The only thing that was happening was your negative thoughts were eating into your brain.
     You began to look around at the room and decided to feed into your sadness more by thinking of all of the things that happened in this house. You remembered all of the parties, all of the laughs, all of the movies... All of his smiles. You sighed then you heard a knock at the door. Before you got up you saw the door get kicked opened by a boot, "GUESS WHO IT IS!" This fish lady said through the door, your eyes were calm at first as you looked at her. Then it hit you, this isn't the previous timeline. Meaning that everyone isn't how it used to be.
     You froze in place and locked eyes with the woman who also paused her fooling around to practically stare into your soul. She turned to Papyrus and stated, "Is that... what I think it is?..." She states lowly, and it seemed that he began to get nervous as well. "UM... I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN, IT'S THE SAME COUCH WE'VE ALWAYS HAD! NEH HEH..." It was quiet for a moment, and you wanted to move but you just couldn't. She sighed, and chuckled through her teeth, "I'll deal with you later, but you human?" She turned back towards you, "This will be the last time we see each other," She took out a blue spear from thin air and pointed it towards you, "For a very long time."
     You knocked yourself out of the trance and quickly leaped over the table as she flung one of the spears towards you. You carefully looked around the house to see if there was something lying around. Nothing. You felt so helpless, and you wanted to do something, but you weren't in the right state of mind. Maybe this was your chance, maybe you don't have to make Sans suffer if you just died. You stood up and started laughing just a bit, "Oh! So you think this is funny?!" She got angry, and you didn't care.
     You didn't care anymore.
     As she sent off other spears from across the room you stood silently and began to cry with a smile on your face. You began to think,
     I'm sorry to my siblings, and I'm sorry to my friends. I don't know what I did to deserve this pain. You stated to yourself.
     I don't belong here anymore, and there's no point in trying to fight for something that was so hard to fight for in the first place. You sighed.
     What happiness will I gain when the one I love will never accept me? And all that I loved disappeared right in front of my own eyes... You were crying and the spear was getting close to you.
     "I'm sorry"
     You closed your eyes and waited for the spear to pierce through you,
     But it never came.
     Panting was heard from in front of you, and you opened your eyes to look at the figure in front of you.
     It was Sans.
     He had his eye glowing that fierce blue with a hint of yellow and had his arm held up with a gaster blaster fuming with smoke coming out of it. "Sans, step aside." Undyne growled, "UNDYNE PLEASE! LEAVE THE HUMAN ALONE!" You heard Papyrus shout, you would've heard Undyne's response but Sans turned around to look at you.
     He was furious, and you were confused, "What are you doing!" You started to him in a whisper yell, "what am i doing? what the hell are you doing! you didn't even try and jump out of the way!", You scoffed at him. "Why do you care? You've been treating me like crap ever since I've got here, and I didn't even do anything!" He growled, "why are you so being so ridiculous! of course, I'm going to care about you, even after everything you've done!" That last sentence confused you, but you couldn't continue to think as you saw Undyne ready to throw one of her spears again.
     She threw a spear, and before Sans could stop it you jumped and pushed him to get him out of the way, "Watch out!" You both fell on the floor, but he was push far away from you. You stood up and faced Undyne. Your heart started to beat fast and you see her charging towards you.
     You moved back a couple of steps and you sped towards her even though she had a spear in hand. "(Y/N)!!!" You heard Sans and Papyrus shout.
     What they didn't know was, thanks to Sans, you regained your determination. He was the only thing that held you back, especially since he was one of your main reasons for coming back. Although you were still a little bit sad and confused, you were determined to figure out why Sans had given you problems, you were determined to make things right again, not just to fix things between you and Sans, but to make things better again for everyone and make things happy like they once were.
    As you ran up to her, she ducked down a little bit so she could run faster, and this was your chance to make your next move. You lunged upwards and flipped over her by using her shoulders as leverage to get over her.
     Undyne and Sans watched you in shock while Papyrus watched you in awe. After you had gotten over her you sped towards the door, Papyrus moved out of the way knowing you would get out. After you had sped out though you heard Sans shout at you, "wait!"
     Your main focus was to find a place for you and Undyne to fight where things won't get completely destroyed. As you ran out into the snow you stopped near the woods outside of the house and your feet started to become numb. You looked down, concerned with what was happening. You had your pajamas on... Fuzzy socks, your (f/c) pajama pants and button up shirt with a (black or white) tank top under it. "Damn it" you mumbled.
   It's too late now, Undyne was in front of you. You were freezing, your fuzzy socks weren't doing you justice. "What's the matter? Freezing to death?" You stood in a fighting pose, "You're never going to get me" You began to shiver. She saw this and began to laugh.
     You saw Sans and Papyrus running your way from a distance, and you tried to keep yourself warm. "UNDYNE PLEASE! STOP THIS ALREADY!" Papyrus shouted, and he went beside her and tried to push her away gently.
     Sans was focusing on getting near you, with his jacket in his hand. "Papyrus, get off of me!" Undyne shouted at him, she pushed him to the ground and you saw her point another spear at you. Your eyes began to close as the cold started traveling through you faster and faster. Your knees went into the snow and your body curled. The last voice you heard was Sans' as he shouted,

Save here? Yes <3 No
As you wonder what will happen next you are filled with CURIOSITY...

Continue? Yes <3 No

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