Chapter 2

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"I'm back!" I hold up a box of donuts for Yoongi. He yawns and signals for me to come in. "Lila's still not back?" I ask, surprised.
"Yeah. I'm guessing she'll be back around lunchtime?" He asks.
"That's fine, more prep for us. So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask.
"I've been thinking....maybe this was a mistake. Maybe I was wrong all along and the letter was just a fluke,"
" can you say that? She's your wife," I say. As much as I hate seeing them together, seeing them apart would make me feel even more worse.
"I know! I'm terrible....but I need to take care of the both of us now. We're married and I can't show her I love her...." I gasp.
"You l-love her?" I ask.
"Of course. Ever since that letter, my heart rate has been going over the roof," he says, having a look of lovesickness all over his face. I wish he would look at me like that.
"Aw...then don't give up. Show her a romantic gesture, show her you care," I suggest.
"That sounds like a good idea! Wow, you're good at this. So, Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?" He asks me suddenly.
"Me? N-no," I stutter, blushing a bit.
"How would you like to get one? My friends from BTS are looking for partners....just give me a name," Yoongi.
"I don't have a specific preference. Maybe someone close to my age?" He nods and rubs his hands together.
"You're going on a date, Friday night," He says after making a couple texts to someone.
"I'll send you the details. I'm pretty sure you'll like him," Yoongi gives me a high five and I think I died a little. Then we end up holding hands for a full 10 seconds, interlacing our fingers in the process. We lock eyes, and I begin subconsciously leaning in.

"I'm here!!!!" My cousin's voice rings. Yoongi suddenly yanks his hand away and awkwardly spins around in the chair.
"Lila!!!" Yoongi rushes to her with enthusiasm and picks her up in a twirl.
"Yoongi! Sorry I was gone so long. My job is really weird,"
"Don't worry, at least you're back safely," he's embracing her, and I'm internally dying again.
"I'm heading out. Call me if you need anything,"
"Oh, Y/N, I got you some sweets," Lila hands me a box of chocolates.
"Thanks," I grab it bitterly and walk out the door.

I stuff my face with chocolates and just contemplate life as I watch tv.
A week goes by without incident and I go on that date dressed up in fancy clothes. If I can't have Yoongi, than I might as well find someone else. I go to the restaurant and see the familiar face. When he turns around, I have confirmation. It's Seokjin Kim.
"Hi, you must be Y/N," he gives me his hand and guides me to a reserved seat.
"Yes I am. And you must be Jin. It's so nice to meet you," I smile. He's cute in real life. He's actually better looking in person.
"I'm surprised that Yoongi called me to set up this date," he laughs, drinking the water in front of him.
"I am too. He just asked me if I had a boyfriend and then decided it was time for me to go find someone," Jin sighs.
"I know, his heart is always set on one thing and it's really hard to change his mind,"
"You'd know him best. You lived together for 10 years?" I ask.
"Yeah. Since we were trainees. It's too bad we all went on break though, when we come back we're all gonna have girlfriends or wives,"
"I've actually been a long time fan of yours. I'm shocked you made such a big decision. Why the sudden change of heart?" I ask.
"Maybe because the company finally realized how much we were missing out on. So many fans lined up to meet us but we were never allowed to date. I've liked quite a few girls that came to the fanmeets,"
"Of course you would. It's only natural," I hold his hand. "Why do you look so sad? You're allowed to do this without being judged," I say, meeting his eyes for the first time.
"Thank you," he smiles. "Ah, you got something on your lips," he wipes my lip with his finger.
"Salad," I reply.

He offers to walk me home and I accept his invitation.
"So am I your first boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yeah. And so far, I think I like it," I say, smiling at him.
"You're my second girlfriend. But I think you're thousands of times more better than my ex,"
"Aw, Thanks Jin," I beam. Suddenly, I lose balance.
"Whoa," he catches me, and lifts me gently up. "Are you drunk?" He asks.
"Come on," he lifts me into his back.
"Which way is your house?" I point straight ahead, and wrap myself around his torso, resting my head on his strong shoulder. "About Yoongi, how do you know him? I don't think I recall seeing you when we were in BTS," Jin asks.
"He's just my bias. My cousin wanted to impress her parents so she had me help her to write a love letter. I wrote the entire thing myself and she stole it. Now, Yoongi's her husband when he should be mine!" I hiccup. Jin shakes his head and sighs.
"I should've known. You're in love with him, aren't you?" He asks.
"Who? Jin, I like you~~~~ forget all the other guys, you're the only one for me!" I gurgle, half intoxicated.
"You're cute. But drunk. I'm just gonna ignore what you said about Yoongi and just get you home safely, okay?" He whispers. But I'm already dozing off.

The next morning I wake up to the sight of a god SeokJin walking out of my bathroom in my robe and drying his hair with a towel.
"Jin...? What are you doing here? I thought BTS was on HIATUS..." I grumble, hungover. The memories come flooding back. "Oh my gosh. Please tell me I didn't actually say that stuff last night," I beg.
"Oh honey, we did a lot more than just talking," he smirks. My face is heated.
"What are you talking about?!" I yell, confused and embarrassed.
"Maybe this will jog your memory?" He grabs my jaw and crashes his lips against mine, his tongue lightly grazing mine. And he pulls away.
"Wait....I don't remember that part,"
"That's cause that was the first time I kissed you," he smiles.
"Then what are you doing in my house?!" I demand, even more confused.
"You wouldn't let go of me. You just kept saying my name in your sleep and also you kept muttering, "save Yoongi," as well. It was a bit disturbing actually," My eyes widen and the events of last night come rushing back.
"I'm sorry I was such a mess. Thank you for bringing me home. I'm sorry you had to see me like this. Next time I'll be sober when you bring me home, I promise," he flicks his wet hair, splashing me a bit.
"So then we're having a second date?" He asks.
"Of course! I really enjoyed last night. Thanks for being so sweet Jin," I kiss his cheek and a little blush arises.
"I-I-I think you broke me. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" I nod. "Yeah!" He pulls me into a hug, and it comforts me. I think I'm over Yoongi....

It's 1 am on a Monday morning. I'm sleeping peacefully when the phone rings.
"Y/N, sh-she..." I hear him crying through the phone.
"Yoongi? Who are you talking about? Talk to me!" I ask.
"Lila thought it w-was weird we were h-hanging out and demanded an explanation. I told her she shouldn't care because she was out of the house anyways most of the time a-and she left the h-house in the m-middle of the night. I woke up a-and there w-was no one next to m-me. I'm a-all AlONe!!!" He cries.
"Okay, listen to me carefully. I want you to get out of the house and come to my place, okay?" I tell him the directions carefully and hear his muffled sobs through the phone and through the door when he rings the bell.
This is not something I expected to see.

A crying Yoongi with red eyes and puffy cheeks barrels into my house, hugging me with all his might

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A crying Yoongi with red eyes and puffy cheeks barrels into my house, hugging me with all his might. I let him hug me like there's no tomorrow and then bring him to the couch, letting him lay down on my shoulder like a baby.

"We've never fought. But she was just so mad when she found out you've been coming over everyday. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I know. I'm not lying, but she is convinced there's something going on,"

The Affair {Yoongi x Reader ff}Where stories live. Discover now