He Looked so Helpless (smut warning)

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*****Historic AU

This story contains smut! (Top Alex and Bottom John)

*Characters look like the characters from the musical*

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*Alex's POV*

Finishing up on an essay for Washington, I placed my quill down and relaxed my shoulders. Since Eliza left with the kids on a visit to her father's, the house has been very quiet. I ran my hands through my black hair and looked back at the essay. 5 pages in 3 hours. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I heard a knock at my front door. Grabbing the candle next to me, which was dripping with wax for how long it had been lit, I made my way down the stairs and towards the door. Before opening it, I placed the candle on the living room table, lighting up the room. Opening the door, I saw just how dark it was outside. God, have I been working for that long? I saw a man with curly brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail. Some of it was brushed over his left eye, but I could see a bruise mark under it, though his dark skin made it hard to see.

"E-Excuse me, sir. I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, at home, but I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone. My name is John Laurens. Can I come inside?" He said, not making eyes contact with me.

He was a very attractive man, and no one was home...

"Of course," I had to look away before I turned red in front of him.

"My father is doing me wrong, beating me, mistreating me. He told me to leave when I told him I was gay-" He said, but his eyes widened when he said that last word. "Oh God, your not against people like that?! I'm so sorry." He said as tears filled his eyes, looking away from me.

I looked at him. Telling someone that you are gay without any information about their background was one of the bravest things someone could do. Especially given this man's circumstances.

"No, no of course not. I-I'm bisexual myself." I said, but covered my mouth, realizing what I had just said. I hadn't told anyone, not even my wife, about this. If anyone found out, it would end me and worse, my career.

He looked towards me, his light brown eyes looking into my chocolate ones. Oh my god, he looked so helpless, and his body's saying hell yes. No, stop it, I don't know what he's been through.

"W-Would you like to put your stuff down? We have a spare bedroom that you could spend the night in. Do you want anything to eat?" I said, picking up the candle and making my way to the kitchen. I lit another candle and, handing it to John, told him to go upstairs and the third room to the left was the spare one. He took the candle from me and made his way upstairs.

Shuffling into the kitchen, I started to ponder what to give John to eat.

*John's POV*

Holding my suitcase filled with a few pairs of clothes, I made my way up the stairs, the candle Alexander had given me in hand.

The house was absolutely stunning. With each step I took on the deep, dark-colored wood, I heard a creak, implying the oldness of it. Outside each room, there was a small table with a basin and a pitcher, along with a little vase of flowers. I passed by two rooms, each of them having two beds in it. Whose bedroom's are these?

Stopping outside the guest room, I looked at the flowers outside my room. Lillies, my favorite flowers. How lucky....

Placing the candle down on the table next to me, I slowly opened the door. The bedroom very basic, but at least I wasn't at home with my father. He was probably still drunk now.

Placing my suitcase on the bed, I walked out to grab the candle but was meet with Alexander bringing me a tray filled with a bowl of soup.

"It's not much, but then again, I'm not such a good cook." He said, smiling and handing it to me. God, he looked so beautiful when he smiled.

Walking into the guest room, I placed the soup on the dresser on the left of the room.  Alexander followed me inside. As I turned to face him, I realized how close he was. Though I was a bit shorter than him, (Author's note: I think Anthony is actually the same height as Lin but whatever) our eyes were still locked. He reached out his hand to move the hair covering my bruise.

"What happened to you?" He said, and I let him move the hair out of the way. I looked away from Alexander, embarrassed by the thoughts that flooded into my head. "You can't tell me?" Alexander said, walked around so we were facing each other. He looked down a bit towards me as he tucked my hair behind my ear. My face was heating up and I prayed that he couldn't see.

Getting up on my tippy toes, I placed my lips against his. I noticed his shock, but he didn't seem to pull away. In fact, he seemed to want more.

*3rd person POV*

Alexander pulled John closer into the kiss as he hungrily needed more. When they pulled apart, John was panting, but Alexander gave him no time to breathe as he pulled off John's shirt, throwing it somewhere on the ground, and went for his neck.

Moans escaped John's lips as Alex (Author's note: I'm going to start writing Alex instead of Alexander; sorry I'm lazy) made deep purple marks on John's neck and down his chest. John moaned loudly when Alex reached a certain spot on his neck, and Alex continued to suck that spot as he picked him up.

Pushing John's suitcase so it landed on the floor, Alex laid John down on the bed. Alex pulled off and John whined at the loss of pleasure. "Stay," Alex said. John's only reply was "Yes..."

Alex came back a few minutes later with oil-based lube, a rope and a long piece of cloth that looked like a blindfold. John swallowed hard(That wasn't the only thing that was hard~) as Alex walked over.

*John POV*

"A-Alex, I've never done this before..." I said, but Alex kissed me and whispered that it will be alright into my ear. He tied my hands to the base of the bed so I could not move my hands or my arms. Alex looked down at me as he leaned down to my neck, sucking and creating more hickies. "A-Ah..." I moaned. Dear God, it felt so heavenly. He pulled off his own shirt, throwing it towards my own, which was somewhere on the ground. Moaning loudly as he moved faster down my body, I tried to move my hands towards him, just to touch him, but I couldn't move them towards him.

Alex started to move from my chest down towards my member. He kissed my v-line and started to unbutton my pants and my erection sprang through my boxers. I moaned when Alex got my pants off, but I moaned louder when Alex started to palm me. "A-Alex~," I said, as he moaned when I said his name.

As he threw my pants across the room, Alex took off my boxers as my member sprang up. "Well someone's excited~" Alex whispered in my ear, making me quiver under his body.

"A-Alex, please..." I said, feeling the knot in my stomach grow quickly. "Please what?" He said, smirking. "Please fuck me!" I screamed, unable to control myself. "Anything you want kitten~" Alex replied, pulling my boxers down to reveal my member. I moaned as it hit the cool air.

He then took off his own pants and boxers as he was opening the lube. I saw that his member was a bit larger than mine, and I blushed with embarrassment. Alex quickly added lube to his cock and lined up with me, looking up at me to make sure I was okay. Nodding hungrily at him, he slowly pushed inside me. I hissed a little at the pain but it quickly turned into pleasure as Alex started to go faster.

Moans escaped my lips faster than I could breathe. God, he was so good at this. Something flashed in the corner of my eye as I looked at his ring finger to see a silver ring. Oh dear God, he was married. And he must have kids. That's why he had such a big house. My thoughts were rushed away as Alex hit one spot and I almost screamed. "Right there! Please!" I cried, as Alex quickly adjusted to slam there. After a few more thrusts, I came over his chest, and he filled me up with a final moan. He pulled out and laid down next to me, cuddling me.

"A-Alex..." I asked as he looked over at me. "What are we going to tell your wife?" He looked towards me with eyes full of fear, but then relaxed and pulled the covers over us.

"Nobody needs to know..." Was the last thing I heard before Alex blew out the candle and I fell asleep in the pitch black room, cuddling against Alex's chest.

Do You Know What Your Sacrificing//Lams One Shots {smut warning}Where stories live. Discover now