The Demon and the Angel (smut warning)

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****Demon and Angel AU (Mention of God, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory)

*This story contains smut (Top Alex and Bottom John)

Alex is a demon and John is an angel

*Characters look like characters from the musicals*

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*John's POV*

I stood out of the tall building with one of my legs against it. Quickly checking my watch to make sure I was on time, I heard a scream from inside the building. Perfect timing.

Swiftly walking into the building, my white wings brushed against the side of the door. I made my way up the stairs as I heard the young woman coughing. The smoke alarms were too late to warn her of the flames that were engulfing the building. "Angelica!" She screamed as she ran around the room trying to escape.

This was my least favorite part of the job. I knew she couldn't see me, no one ever could. "Please! Help! Anyone!" She screamed, but she collapsed to the floor, her head still looking around the room. I looked around and saw no one. Poor girl. At least when I died I had my friends around me.

I walked around behind her and whispered something in her ear. "Let go..." I whispered. There was no hope since the fire department was nowhere near and couldn't get here in time. The best thing she could do is accept her fate. Her coughing got louder and her breaths became heavier until they stopped. I checked my watch and wrote down the time on the blank piece of paper I took out of my pocket.

Looking around for anyone else, I picked her soul up and walked out of the building. I walked down the alleyway and opened the door that always appeared somewhere near when I had a soul in my arms. Opening it, I was taken to the Purgatory Court.

The young woman's body sprang to life as I placed her in the witness box. I handed the blank piece of paper to the judge, telling him when and where the young woman died. "W-Where am I?!" She said, trying to stand up, but the judge interrupted her by telling her the run-down. God, I've heard this too many times to count.

While the judge was talking, I took my seat in the audience. I felt someone tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw that it was no less than Alexander Hamilton, the demon.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat.

*Alex's POV*

"What the hell are you doing here?" John spat at me.

"You know the rule, Johnny boy," I smirked, remembering how much he hated that name. "All angels, demons and even lost souls can attend Purgatory Court, just as long as they don't make a scene."

His brown curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and it almost hit me as he whipped back around to face the young girl who was in the box. I think her name was...Eliza?

John's wings were folded back against his shirt, so as not to hit anyone. Pushing my hand against one of them, he flinched and slapped my hand away. I leaned forward, right next to John's ear. "How's about we go somewhere private? Just like old times..." I whispered, and I saw him tense up. "I would get in so much trouble with Him." He turned back to me, and his face flushed a bright red. "Fine, if you don't want it..." I said, knowing it would push him over the edge.

"Meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes." Was all he got out before he got up and exited the courtroom.

*Time Skip*

*John's POV*

"Oh God, right there A-Alex!" I cried as he hit my prostate over and over again. I prayed to God-if was even still listening to me- that no one heard us. "Please don't bring him into this..." Alex breathed out, his face bright red.

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