Would You Light My Candle?

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****Rent AU (Just Light My Candle)

Alex is Roger and John is Mimi

*Characters look like the characters from the musical*

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*Alex's POV*

"What'd you forget?" I called behind me, expecting to see Lafayette coming back for something. I turned around behind me and saw someone holding a blown-out candle. He had ripped jeans and a green turtleneck. His long curly hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he was relatively skinny. He was a very attractive man, and I feel like I've seen him before...

"Got a light?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I know you..." I said, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out my matches. I noticed he was shivering. "You're shivering-" I said, but he interrupted me.

"Oh, it's nothing. They just turned off my heat and I'm weak on my feet." He told me, and he stumbled a little. I walked over and helped him up. When I let go of him, I struck a match and lit his candle. Looking at his hair, he quickly asked what I was staring at.

"Oh, nothing. Just your hair in the moonlight. You-You, look familiar. Can you make it?" I quickly asked, and I helped him up.

He looked into my eyes, and I got a good look at his beautiful green eyes. "Nothing, just haven't eaten much today...at least when the room stops spinning. What were you saying?" He said, and I started walking towards my couch. He followed me, and I just told him that his smile reminded me off-

"I always remind people of someone...who was she?" He interrupted. "She died. Her name was Eliza." I said, and he looked away from me. I heard him blow out the candle, and he told me that it was out again.

"Would you light my candle?" He looked at me, with almost a desperate look on his face. I lit another match and lit his candle again.

"Well-" I started, walking towards him, but I heard him make a noise of pain.

Rushing over to him to make sure he was okay, I told him that the wax was dripping, but we both said 'dripping'.

"I like it between my..." he started, putting his leg near my hard member, but I quickly cut him off. "Fingers, I figured!" I said, turning red and walking away from him. "Oh well, goodnight." He said and walked towards the door.

I saw him feel around his pockets for something and quickly turned back towards me.

"Let me guess, it blew out again?" I said, chuckling. This time, he had a different look on his face. It was more worried than playful, and he started looking around my apartment. He placed the blown-out candle on my countertop.

"No-I think I dropped my stash," He said, looking all over my apartment.

"I know I've seen you out and about. Well, when I used to go out." I admitted, then I quickly told him his candle was out.

He quickly responded with, "I'm illin'- I had it when I walked through the door. It was pure!" He said, before walking in front of me and getting on his hands and knees. His ass was on display for my wandering eyes, and I failed at not staring at it. I felt my pants' crotch area tightening.

"They say I have the best ass below 14th street." He said, looking back at me. I quickly averted my gaze and asked him what he meant.

"Your staring..." He added, smirking at me.

I felt myself turn red as I tried to make up and excuse. "Oh, no...I...I mean you do have a- a....nice...You look familiar." I stumbled out.

As he got off the floor, he said, "Like your dead girlfriend?"

I lightly laughed and him only when he smiles. "I'm sure I've you somewhere," I said, and he looked behind the counter.

"Do you go to the Cat Scratch Club? That's where I work...I-I dance." He said, looking up from below the counter to look at me. "Help me look!" He said, and I started looking around the room.

A memory of him dancing came back to me. I also remember them trying him up with ropes and handcuffs. "Yes! They used to tie you up-" I replied, but he gave me a look.

"It's a living..." He shrugged, and I walked over to where he was. "I didn't recognize you without the handcuffs," I responded, and he laughed, getting off the ground. He got closer to me, but I ran my hands through my hair and sat on the couch.

"We could light the candle. Oh, won't you light my candle?" He sang out to me, almost climbing on top of me.

Getting up before he could sit on me, I told him that he should forget that stuff. "You look like your sixteen..." I said, looking him up and down.

"I'm nineteen!" He corrected me and told me that he was old for his age. "I'm just born to be bad." He said, walking towards me.

I told him that I was once to be bad. "And I used to shiver like that..." I said, and he looked away from my eyes.

"I told you, I have no heat!" He said and went back to looking for his stash. "I used to sweat..." I said, but he interrupted me, telling me "I got a cold!"

"Uh huh, I used to be a junkie," I said, walking around the corner and looking at him. "But know, I like to-" He said, looking at me from the floor. I nodded and he added, "Feel good..." He said, biting his lip.

On the floor, I noticed a bag of white powder in a small zipped bag. "Oh, here it-um-" I said, but he immediately got off the ground.

"What's that?!" He said, and he quickly walked over to me.

Making up a lie, I told him it was a candy wrapper.

His face shifted and told me, "We could light the candle. What'd you do with my candle?"

"That was my last match," I said, turning and shrugging my shoulder. Sitting back on my couch, he walked back over towards me. "Our eyes' will adjust. Thank God for the moon." He said, sitting on my legs.

I got up again telling him I didn't think it was the moon. "I think I heard Charles Lee's shooting down the street," I said, brushing off my pants. "Bah humbug...bah humbug..." He sang, sitting down at my couch, legs spread.

He got off the couch and took his hands in mine. "Cold hands..." I said, and he looked into my eyes. "Yours too," He whispered.

"Big, like my father's....You want to dance?" He asked, and pulled past my table next to my couch to the more open space behind the couch.

I quickly asked if he meant dance with him. He laughed and told me, "No, with my father." I turned red and he pulled me close, his hands on my waist.

"I'm Alex," I said, and he smiled, moving his hands down to my ass. I felt him reach in my pocket, where I was hiding his stash, but he sung out to me.

"They call me...They call me...John Laurens." He said, and pulled his stash out of my pocket. Waving it my face and laughing, he turned towards my large metal door. The last sound was my metal clanging of my door closing.

Sitting down on my couch, I took a few breaths and proceeded what the hell just happened.

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