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****Hunchback of Notre Dame AU (Just Hellfire)

Alex is Frollo and John is Esmeralda

I love the female version of this song and I though y'all should hear it

*Characters look like the characters from the musical*

Feel free to comment below on more story ideas!


*Alex's POV*

As the priests started chanting Latin, I entered the room where a large fire was being held. I needed to pray to Mother Maria about this pressing issue. I had attended the Feast of Fools today, where I been disgusted. A gypsy boy, John Laurnes, had danced and twisted his body on stage for money. On any other day, he could be arrested and he could go to jail, but today everything was legal. Everything...

But today, I felt something...it wasn't anger or sadness, but enjoyment during the dance. But I couldn't be feeling this about...a Gypsy.

Beata Maria. You know I am a righteous man, and of my virtue, I am justly proud.

I prayed that Maria could forgive me for my high sin.

Beata Maria. You know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd.

I knew that there was a big difference between me and the weak crowd of Paris who lived in the streets outside the cathedral. God has given me what I asked for, and in return, I spread his good word and punished the evils of this world.

Then tell me, Maria, why I see him dancing there. Why his smold'ring eyes still scorch my soul.

Looking into the fire, I saw an outline of John dancing on stage. The flames twisted and spit in different directions, just like his body on stage.

I feel him, I see him, the sun got in his chocolate hair. It's blazing in me out of all control...

The image of John flickered away back into the fire and I grasped his scarf close to my chest.

Like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin. This burning desire is turning me to sin.

The fire dimmed and I felt the eyes of God come upon me. Pushing the scarf away from me, it landed on the floor. I got to my knees and called out up to the heavens.

It's not my fault! I'm not to blame! It is the Gypsy boy, the witch who sent this flame!

God must be trying to test me by sending John to turn me to sin or to send me to hell if I give in to what John could offer me. I called out to Mother Maria again.

It's not my fault if, in God's plan, he made the devil so much stronger than a man!

I picked up the scarf and held it up to the portrait of Mother Maria. I quickly stood up and backed away from the fire, since it kept growing larger, almost like it was trying to engulf me.

Protect me, Maria. Don't let this siren cast his spell!

John was trying to trap me into a life of sin. I prayed that Maria could protect me from letting him turn me to sin. His siren song was trying to trap me, but I knew God would not let me fall for it, and I prayed to Maria for help.

Don't let this fire sear my flesh and bone!

The fire became even larger, I didn't know what God was asking of me. I have given everything to this church. What more do you want? Dearest God, do not send me to hell!

Destroy the Gypsy John! Let him taste the fires of hell, or else let him be mine and mine alone!

Suddenly, the door burst open. My second highest ranking soldier, Aaron Burr, came in. The faint candlelight from outside the room overpowered the fire and the wind died it down. "Minister Hamilton, the Gypsy has escaped. He is nowhere to be found..." He quickly rambled off. My eyes widened. "How?" All I could muster out. Suddenly looking out of the window, I saw the top of the Cathedral where my nephew Lafayette was. He must have helped him. "Nevermind, get out you idiot!" I quickly said, and as soon as the door closed, I swore to Maria that I would find John, even if had to burn down all of Paris. Suddenly, the fire burst to life again.

Hellfire, dark fire, now Gypsy it's your turn!

I held the scarf up to Mother Maria, maybe she could help me with this punishment of this Gypsy boy.

Choose me or your pyre!

The punishment for being a gypsy was to be burned alive on a pyre, but John could be spared if he chooses to love me instead.

Be mine or you will burn!

"God has mercy on him," I said since I wanted him to love me. I gasped and quickly and asked God, "God have mercy on me."

But he will be mine or he will burn!

Quickly stuffing the scarf in my robe pocket. I did a quick sign of the cross and turned away from Mother Maria, walking towards the door. When I exited, I went up to my chambers, needed a night's sleep before my day tomorrow to find John. I will find him, even if I had to burn the city to the ground...

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