Introduction, and prolgue

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Its hard to control your thirst when you first become a vampire, right? well, im one of those vampires, i was a newborn at one point but i dont remember what happened. if yu want to know what i was like when i was young, your going to have to ask me. Yes, i lied about forgetting when i became a vampire. But still, im a vampire, we are predators to humans and some of us are pradators to animals, but i for one, am a vampire that is inbetween (i feed on human or animal depending if im really hungry) now, let me tell you where this all began, you see, this started in the forest... My forest...

Hey, how did you like the begining? I love all of you who read this, and are exited for the next part. you all are my favorite people in the whole world you dont even know!


I walked through the woods on the bright afternoon, in the state of Lawrenceville, Georgia, it was fairly warm. I was alone, well, hopefully i was alone. I was one week away from having my baby, I wasnt far from my house so i was safe unless i crossed fence fo the other side of the fence. "oh, i could go for some peanutbutter now" i said as i walked towards the fence, (dont judge me! i was hungry!)

It was only then, is that i was startled by someone. "Hello Cathryn. how are you?" said my neighbor Dakota "fine, er, i was until you scared me and, are you trying to make me go into labour before time?" I said lightly punching my best friend in the arm. "ok, im sorry, but you have to say that was funny" she said and we both burst out laughing, "how did you find me?" "one who is in love with the forest would be you. it wasnt that hard to find a pregnant neighbor, plus your my best friend, i can find you any where" I smiled at what Dakota said, "we are BFFs we can find eachother no matter what!" i declared and wraped my arms around her and my eyes started to tear up "whats wrong?" "nothing, i just thought about the life my child will love it here, with you as her, or i believe its a her, god mother." I looked down at my hands before saying something else "If anything happens to me, i want you to look after my child" it was stern but serious "you have to promise me this, Dakota" i said clapsing onto Dakota.

Dakota forced me to look up, "i think the baby is comming Dakota..." i said closing my eyes, and taking a big breath in. shes one week early...

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