One year later

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"no no Rosalina, you don't eat your toys." i said taking the plastic keys out of her mouth "knock knock!" i heard Dakota say as she entered my apartment with a small bag, "i brought gifts for both of you..." Dakota said as she took something out of the bag, it was a little outfit that says I love mommy "that is adorable!" i exclaimed, "and i have this for you," she produced a card from her pocket "its a ticket for your favorite movie, you need a break from Rosa for a night." "i dont know, what if i miss her too much..." "dont fret, ill take care of her. plus, i want to spend time with my god daughter"

three hours later...

"ok, so you have everything you need to take care of Rose, right?" "yes, now go. you need it" Dakota ushered me out the door, i guess i do need this night out, my mouth curled up into a smile as i walked towards the stairwell. "hi Cathryn, how's Rose?" Michel, the building owner, said. "shes fine, hows Brandon and Candy?" "they are fine, going out tonight?" "yep, see you later Michel" i walked out the front door and to the movie theater, i am so happy everything is in walking distance.

after the movie and now at a Nandos

I was sitting in my regular booth when i noticed someone watching me, i tried not to notice but it got too intense for me and i got up to go back home. When i got out to the parking lot, the guy was following me, after i was a few feet away from him, i spun around and looked him in the eye. "can i help you?" "no, but you look beautiful.i saw you around the apartments, how would you like to come to my apartment tomorrow? at say, 8?" "thank you for the offer, but i have a little one that probably needs me right now. so i have to say-" "this is not an option, its either you or her!" when he said her, i knew he meant my Rose "you take me, but not my little Rose. she means too much to me to see her hurt" without responding, he took hold of me (one hand on my shoulder, one on top of my head) moved my head to expose the thin skin on my neck, and bit me. it felt like many things were happening at once.

He picked me up, and carried me to my apartment. i felt like i was being killed, but yet i wasn't dying. I closed my eyes because i couldn't stand to look at the night sky, it looked like a giant sea of confusing swirls. My vision was going in and out, i could barely live with myself if i cant protect my child, and i want her to know me before anything happened

Everything went black before i got back to my home...

the next morning...

I woke up to a white ceiling, my body was stiff from not moving. I heard a little giggle and looked to where it came from right there, was my little Rose. i reached over, and touched her delicate face "where am i?" i asked mostly to myself, i looked around at the familier surroundings and realized i was in my apartment on the couch. 

Slowly sitting up, i took notice that it was a mess, and Dakota was sitting at the table looking relieved that i woke up. "what happen to you Cathryn?" i honestly dont know what happen...

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