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I stood in front of my bed in my small little bed room, the only place on earth (besides Aunt Dakota's) that I love in the whole world. And now, mom is taking me off to grandma and grandpa's house for who knows how long...

   "Ready to go Rosalina?" Mom said through the door "i guess I am mom..." i replied grabbing my backpack and heading out the door

                three hours later...

  We were waiting outside for grandma to open the door

, when it finally opens all i get is this "Welcome my darling. Oh you are getting so big!" "Hi grandma." I said hugging her, man, sometimes I just don't like the off setting about her but I have to give respect "And i haven't forgotten my baby, Cathryn, how are you my va-" i don't know what made grandma stop mid-sentence but she quickly said "how are you my violet?" "im fine, mom, can I talk to you upstairs?" mom said, 

  Grandma nodded and headed towards the stair case. The first time I was here it was only me and grandpa, we got to know eachother. But then, i was only eight, and now I'm fifteen

   I was walking to my room when i walked passed grandpa's office, the door was slightly ajar "no mom, i have not told Rosalina what I am yet" i heard mom say. I was curious so i leaned closer to hear more

   "Oh, Cathryn... You have to tell her eventually.  And i want it to be while you are here" My mom spun around so fast i could barely blink. Her eyes were red, and there was a murderous look in her eyes. "Mom, i may be an undead vampire (pun intended) but i can't handle being around humans, that's why I send her to my friends house until i get home from my 'job'" I wonder what she means by 'job'. I kept listening

   "Now qppletart (yes, I had to say appletart, it's what Rose's grandpa calls mom) you-" "Dad, do you not know how hard it is to control this... this hunger? One human, my Rose, is hard enough- you know what? I will figure out how to control it! For you, for mom, for Dakota, and my Rosalina! I have to try..." mom said. What my mom is saying, that she is a vampire? But that's not possible!

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