my... My twin?

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"Do you think she is still alive?" I heard a female voice say. It sounded so familiar,  it couldent be could it?

    I moved my head and my bones creaked "master, she is waking up" the girl said again and the first face i saw was Simon's. "Ok, before you start screaming bloody Mary or whatever it is now, i want you to listen to us-" the girl started but simon interrupted her "Rose, this is your twin, Jade." "Mom always said that I'm her one and only!" I said firecly, my hands may be restrained, but my feet were free and my martial arts training was at fire when ready.

   I kicked Jades arm when she reached for my shoulder, "feisty aren't we?" She said clearly amused by this montage, "untie me or i will do a lot worse than kick your arm" i said angerly

   "News flash sister, your not tied to anything, you can stand, and walk around" "yes I am aware but i want my hands free as well. Then I will stop being so feisty..." i said, mom always told me to never, ever act the way I was acting now but I had no choice.  I wanted to be free.

   Jade took out a knife, and cut the rope bonding my hands together. With that, i stood and finally got to see jade in the full light. We had the same light brown hair, and the only difference was the marks, her mark was on her wrist, mine was on my neck. "I missed you so long, you can't believe how long I've been waiting to meet you" Jade said grabbing my hands, something sparked between us.

   Litterally, something sparked, as if eachother's touch drew us closer than ever before. I tried to let go but her hands were somehow glued to mine. It was before I knew what was happening is that, it seemed like my life memories just unlocked themselves to both of us.

   I looked up at my sister to see a look of fear on her face, to calm her i said "what is your full name?" "Japanese Rose Pontius, what is yours?" "Rosalina Jade Pontius..." i said letting my voice die down... Jade... As in Japanese, and rose... As in Rosalina.

   "We had a part of eachother that we didn't even know!' I said twisting the ring on my left hand, i noticed she has the exact same ring on her right hand. What on earth was going on, besides jade being my sister, but not just my sister, my twin sister...

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