Chapter 15: Uzumaki Twins

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Midori struggle to get out of Mitsuki grip he had wrapped his whole arm around her knowing that she would have tried and take down the enemy injuring her ankle even more her bones were broken and he didn't want it to get alot worse. his whole body couldn't move he was paralyzed but didn't let that from protecting his blond teammate.

"Such bad luck.. honestly, i just wanted to say to you all that i wished to see more of your great endeavors. but i also have my own agenda" Koji said he wasn't expecting konohamru to unzip his shirt showing a seal on his stomach the brown hair jounin touched it with his palms screaming "Fuin-Justu Kai!!" his body was unparalyzed he smirk walking a few steps towards the men.

"Hmph, i'd say thats expected of someone like you" Konohamru Stare back hearing the scream of both blonds who was panicking. "don't worry. because if i die, i'll be protecting you all" Midori eyes widen she didn't like when other put their life on the line for the likes of her's she wouldn't live with herself if her sensei died the blond kunoichi had wiggle around screaming to let her go.

Konohamru ran to koji with a rasengan in one of his hands and punching with the other koji did the same rasengan. as konohmaru and koji justus clash into each other leaving a surprise konohamaru, Konohamaru took step back glaring at the masked men.

"You bastard. who are you?!" he question the men who smirk seeing how his justu impact konohmaru "Sarutobi Konohmaru- Your quit formidable but you've got a long ways to go" Konohmaru was about to attack until he hurd a noise of a toad looking down the toad had suprisingly exploded. Midori kicked mitsuki. he growl losing his grip on the young female once again. she had felt the mark spread across her body mitsuki eyes grew wider. midori hurd a familiar voice chuckle she fell on the ground forgetting that her ankle was sprained she curse herself the blond would never expect something like this to happen.

She stare at the dark orange shaded tattoo that spread across her body midori unwrap her bandages from her right palm seeing how the curse mark that was shape like a sun turn to black to a glowing yellow.

"Stop!!" she hurd boruto scream mitsuki ran to midori ignoring everything that was going on around him to attend the blond female but what his eyes had spotted left him speechless.

"i thought you didn't have a curse mark?" he question she look around to see if the other were staring but they were to busy on boruto mark to even spare her a glance. "Please cover me..mitsuki" she asked him grabing his wirst and pulling him down he nodded pulling up her hoodie cover her face and taking off his kimono shirt covering midori fragile body.

koji eyes grew ten times wider seeing the karma seal on the blond boy. boruto absorb the fuin justu as the team of genin could finally move without an issue. Midori close her eyes tighting her gripping on mistuki neck. No, No, No!! She shouted in her head mitsuki frown feeling the female shake in his hold.

"By no mean did i expect to witness the 'kara' mark here...i had always thought that it was Uzumaki Naruto who defeated Momoshiki. But it was you Boruto Uzumaki!!" He shouted with pleasure in his voice boruto eyebrows frown Koji Gaze turn to the pating female as his smirk widen And Midori Uzumaki?

"You're complaing too much. shut up, you jerk.. you think so highly of yourself"

Everyone was dumbfounded with brouto powers. "Tha-thats boruto" konohamru stutter "what is that" Sadara wonderd. "The pattern on his hands is progressing....just what is this power?" Mitsuki ask staring at Midori from the coner of his eyes he wonder why she was the one shaking in fear and not brouto why was she hidding her mark and not boruto so much question mitsuki wanted anwers to.

Boruto vision was blurry he pulled up his sleeve question the mark before passing out sadara ran towards boruto protecting him from the enemy "i see.. seems like the first time your using this power" he said turning around but not before glacing at midori who still look like she was in shock. "thank you for showing me such an interesting thing. i suppose i'll be retreating for now"

"Hey wait up!!, Just what was that power from back then...what happend to boruto!!" Sadara shouted at him but before she could move mitsuki stopped her with his free arm holding midori with his other one. trying to calm her down from getting in a fight with the enemy who could easily overpower them.

To be continued...

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